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Wurst Behavior: Summerfest mural created by MIAD student

An interactive digitally designed mural of a hot dog bun with a speech bubble that says

Sammi Micklewright, Johnsonville Summerfest mural, 2023

Concertgoers at Milwaukee’s Summerfest might well pose with a mural created by Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) student Sammi Micklewright ’24. Designed for longtime MIAD partner Johnsonville, Micklewright coordinated with MIAD’s Lubar Innovation Center to complete the interactive mural.

“I had a great experience with the Innovation Center and Johnsonville to complete this project,” says Micklewright, who is currently studying Communication Design at MIAD. In spite of a tight turnaround time of a few weeks, Micklewright enjoyed the collaborative experience of working with Johnsonville and the Innovation Center. The MIAD Lubar Innovation Center connects real-world clients with MIAD students to complete paid projects like this one.

“I am super excited to see my mural up at Summerfest,” Micklewright adds. “[I] have been really enjoying seeing people post pictures with it on social media. It is great to see people interact with my work, as this was the goal of the project!” The design went through several iterations, which Micklewright revised based on client feedback. The final installation is an interactive photo op located on the Summerfest grounds.

As a student, Micklewright has already interned and worked as a graphic design intern with several clients. She currently works as a graphic design intern at Great Wolf Lodge and does freelance work for the University of Illinois Chicago. “MIAD has prepared me for taking on projects of this nature by teaching me the importance of deadlines, critique and professionalism,” Micklewright explains. “It is incredibly important to be able to meet due dates, as well as apply feedback and correspond professionally with clients.”

Keep up with Sammi on her website and Instagram, and learn more about the MIAD Lubar Innovation Center!


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