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Two documentary exhibitions explore storytelling, sharing history and truth

New Deal Utopias

“Daffodil House” by Jason Reblando

MILWAUKEE (January 31, 2020) … Two new documentary exhibitions are on view now through March 14, 2020 in MIAD’s Brooks Stevens Gallery.  The exhibitions present different approaches to telling stories, sharing history and shifting perspectives. The Opening Reception for both exhibits is January 31, 6 – 8 p.m.

In “New Deal Utopias” photographs by Jason Reblando focus on three U.S. “Greenbelt Towns,” including Greendale, Wisconsin, and explore the complex roles of housing, nature and government in planned communities and American life.

Reblando says his photographs invite viewers to reflect upon their own communities, whether they be planned or unplanned, and meditate upon the human urge to create an ideal society.

Typewriter photo

Typewriter from “Mrs. Lincoln, what did you think of the play?” exhibition

In “Mrs. Lincoln, what did you think of the play?” curator Danny Volk uses a collection of antique typewriters, eyewitness videos, archival documents, recorded interviews, photographs and other artifacts to share one man’s tragic experience of an Illinois tornado and to invite viewers to reflect on how truth is documented and represented.

Additional exhibition events:

  • February 21, 6 – 7:30 p.m.: “New Deal Utopias” Panel Discussion
  • March 6, 6 – 7 :30 p.m.: “Mrs. Lincoln, what did you think of the play?” Panel Discussion

MIAD’s Galleries are free and open to the public Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. More information:


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