You are a single-cell attempting to become a multi-cellular organism. You’ll need to choose between your abilities such as absorb, mitosis and infect to evolve past your rivals. It’s the greatest contest on the smallest scale. It is a game, but to you it is real.
“Bacterium” – a highly inventive card game with an instructional video – is the vision of senior Michael Petrella (Illustration). Aimed at 10-year-olds to adults, from first-time board gamers to tactical, European board game enthusiasts, “Bacterium” embodies the talents for which MIAD students are known: innovation, creativity and multidisciplinary skills.
The public can play Petrella’s capstone senior project when the MIAD 2012 Senior Exhibition opens on Gallery Night, Friday, April 20, 5 – 9 p.m. MIAD’s largest class of 150 graduating seniors will be on hand to speak to the public that night, and during Gallery Day, on Saturday, April 21, when the new “Gallery Day Conversation” provides an opportunity for more intimate discussion from 1 – 5 p.m.The 2012 Senior Exhibition continues from April 20 through May 12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday, with generous support by BMO Harris Bank.
Peruse flickr to see Michael’s project, which receive one of three Alumni Thesis Scholarships awarded on behalf of alumni by MIAD’s Alumni Council, and representative projects from MIAD’s 11 majors.
Read the News Release.
Gallery Night will also offer opportunities to view work from freshman and sophomore students at MAM After Dark and the former Eisner Building.MIAD sophomores in Professor Jason Yi’s Integration & Intersection II class will be participating in MAM After Dark: Swing on April 20, from 5 p.m. to midnight. Yi’s work with the students was a part of the New Exchanges: Evolving Ideas and Forms exhibition.
The Sixth Annual Foundations Student Juried Exhibition has an opening reception and awards presentation April 6, at 12:45 p.m., and runs Gallery Night, April 20, 5 – 9:30 p.m., and Gallery Day, April 21, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the building formerly known as the Eisner Museum, 208 N. Water Street.This annual exhibition showcases diverse and original works created by MIAD first year students. The 69 works included were selected out of 184 entries by juror Lee Ann Garrison, Chair of the Department of Art & Design for the Peck School of the Arts at UW-Milwaukee. The exhibited works represent student course projects created in the recently transformed and innovative MIAD Foundations curriculum.
Top image: Michael Petrella (Illustration) – Cell card, from the game “Bacterium”
Second image: Emily Joerres (Interior Architecture and Design) – Panoramic view of a nature preschool incorporated on the Riveredge Nature Center site
Third image: Brad Fiore (Integrated Studio Arts) – In process shot from “The Real American Flag,” a performative sculpture exhibition.
Bottom image: Sixth Annual Foundations Student Juried Exhibition