Senior’s passion for Illustration and Natural Sciences thrives at MIAD
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) senior Lilly Zbiegien’s two passions – Illustration and Natural Sciences – flourished at an early age and have continued through college. Recently Zbiegien presented her Natural Science Independent Study research, “Junkyard Nests,” showing not only the impact of plastic pollution on birds, but also her skill in portraying the environment through Illustration.
“I’ve been creating art since I could hold a crayon. Being an artist was never a question for me,” says Zbiegien, “and Illustration seemed to be the route that best fits my art style.”
“I have also always been interested in science,” she adds. “It’s actually been my favorite subject in school since elementary. I love understanding how the world works and the impacts we have on our environments.”
That impact was clear in Zbiegien’s presentation, part of her work toward her Natural Sciences minor with faculty member Lauren Simmons, an aquatic ecologist and natural science educator who has been teaching at MIAD since 2011. Zbiegien’s presentation and research spanned the growth and extent of plastic pollution, extensive field observation at area centers and parks, other researchers in the field, and current initiatives to help ameliorate the problem of plastic ingestion and entanglement.
“Birds are a bioindicator,” Zbiegien explains. “What affects them, affects others in our environments. At the moment I’ve been loving studying birds, which is why that’s the theme of my study.”
Zbiegien’s hobbies are also informed by nature. “In my personal life I love to knit and take photos that I can use as references for my art,” she says. “Most of my photographs include birds, trees, greenery, open fields, etc.”
Reflecting on her senior year, Zbiegien says, “I have a pretty good idea on what I will be doing for my Senior Thesis project. I plan to use both my skills in Illustration and Science to create posters and infographics about arctic animals.”
She’s also “looking forward to entering the artists’ world. I would love to be a part of a museum or company that will allow me to express my love for studying the world and Illustration.”
Learn more about MIAD’s award-winning Illustration major and Natural Sciences minor.
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