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Senior Exhibition 2023: Margaret Griffin

When Margaret Griffin ’23 (New Studio Practice: Fine Arts) transferred to the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), she hoped to dig deeper into her artistic practice. Now in her final semester, Griffin’s work is catching the attention of the Milwaukee creative community.

Taking inspiration from her father, a pipefitter, Griffin’s senior thesis work is titled “Industrial Bodies” and explores the intersection of industrial and body references. “I was always jealous of this secret world that I was never allowed to encounter due to its dangers,” she says about her father’s career.

Griffin’s sculptures are constructed of light materials that give the impression of weight. “I start by constructing a frame … out of dowel rods and foam, super lightweight material,” she explains. Using paper mache, Griffin builds up the form and adds strong homemade clay and a final layer of latex.

Although she appreciates the studio space MIAD offers to all juniors and seniors, Griffin has also opted to rent a studio off-campus at Var Gallery on 2nd. “Having different spaces to work helps me tap into different mindsets. Depending on where I need to be mentally, that’s where I choose to be physically,” she explains. Because of her studio space at Var, Griffin will have the opportunity to show work at the gallery and participate in events hosted by the venue after graduation.

“I’m thinking about grad school in potentially two or three years,” says Griffin. “I’d like to take a break to have experience existing as an artist in an art scene before moving on to that chapter.”

Keep up with Margaret on Instagram (@m_m_griffin), and view her sculptures, along with the hard work of her talented peers, at MIAD’s 2023 Senior Exhibition from April 21 – May 6.


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