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Product Design students design custom tap handles

Juniors in a Product Design class at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) partnered with two local industry leaders to work on a unique product—they designed custom tap handles in collaboration with manufacturer Hankscraft AJS for Third Space Brewing’s iconic Happy Place brew.

Digital Sketching, Visualization & Narrative Systems, taught by Larry “Murf” Murphy, asks students to connect “manual drawing skills to digital media and then to [design] narrative presentations.” Moving between analog drawing and digital sketching, students develop sensitivity to both design options.

“Balancing the design objectives brought by two clients was a good challenge,” says Murf. “One focused on the brand and identity, the other on the manufacturing side of the equation. The students began quickly to understand finding the balance between two sets of objectives is critical for a successful product design.”

Cole Krueger ’07 (Illustration), art director at Hankscraft AJS, visited MIAD several times to critique students’ designs. Students also worked with marketing specialists from Hankscraft AJS and Third Space Brewing to refine their designs.

“Visualization of the balance between objectives—manufacturing requirements and brand essentials—is a hallmark of good design,” continues Murf. “The reaction from both clients was overwhelmingly positive with an appreciation for how the students both represented themselves, and balanced all of the competing criteria for a successful product.”

Learn more about MIAD’s Product Design major!


Service Learning class hosts military cultural preservation experts

Anna Hillary’s “Service Learning: Art, Culture and Community” class at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) hosted two special guests recently: Colonel Andrew Scott DeJesse, Director for the U.S. Army’s Monuments Officer program, and Captain Blake Ruehrwein, Cultural Heritage Preservation Officer for the U.S. Army.

MIAD alum designs ‘beautiful’ horror posters

Creating “something that’s beautiful and terrifying at the same time” is not only possible, it’s a “fun and favorite challenge” for Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) alum and staff member Kyle V. James ‘15. James’ latest horror movie poster, “Forgive Me,” is front and center as the film premieres in Spain.

MIAD Values Recognition Award: Grant Gill

Grant Gill ’13 (Photography), Photography & Digital Media Lab Technician, received the August 2024 MIAD Values Recognition Award at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD). Gill’s nominations speak to his values of Community and Integrity.

Lubar Innovation Center brings MKE history to Brix Apartments

The one thing Alivia Rapp ’24 (Illustration) would change about working with MIAD’s Lubar Innovation Center is getting “involved with staff Drew Maxwell and Kyle James even earlier in my college experience to really milk it for all it’s worth! It is one of the things I truly miss about MIAD post-grad.”

MIAD students win International Sculpture Center awards

Recent MIAD graduates Caroline Calvano ’24 and Chad Alexander Matha ’24 (New Studio Practice: Fine Arts) each received a 2024 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award from the International Sculpture Center, publisher of Sculpture magazine.