Pre-College Summer Programs

MIAD’s Summer Pre-College is an intense, immersive, and exciting exploration of visual art and design for high school age students. Taught by MIAD faculty, this is an opportunity to create art all day, every day, and experience a college-level curriculum. It is also a chance to connect with other art students from across the country. There are two programs offered as part of Summer Pre-College, Core Studio Concepts and Advanced Studio Concepts.
Summer Pre-College students requesting the Residence Hall after April 1st will be waitlisted and provided an update on availability on May 8th.
Core Studio Concepts: July 10 – July 21, 2023
The two-week Core Studio Concepts is for beginning or intermediate students interested in exploring two areas of art study.
Advanced Studio Concepts: July 10 – July 28, 2023
The three-week Advanced Studio Concepts is for students ready for intensive college work in one area of art study; Advanced Studio students also receive 3 MIAD elective credits.
“Improvement was immediate – the first day brought me to a whole new level – work was hard and there was a lot of it, but I feel like I got A LOT out of the program. My professor was definitely the best art instructor I have ever had.” – Emma
Learn more about why MIAD’s Pre-College Program is tops …
Want to stay informed about important scholarship and registration deadlines? Get more details on the classes and faculty? Need some pointers on portfolio preparation? CLICK HERE
2023 Summer Program and Course Descriptions – Registration Now Closed
Core Studio Concepts: Beginning to Intermediate Level Classes
Jul. 10 – Jul. 21, 2023
Core Studio Concepts gives students a chance to take two classes. Carefully constructed courses address two- and three-dimensional issues of composition, form, design, mark-making and color. These non-credit courses are for beginning to intermediate ability level. Classes are held Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
CLASSES (Students pick two)
Basic Observational & Figure Drawing
In this course, the fundamentals of drawing are introduced using various subjects including still life, self-portraits and clothed models. Students learn how to see and comprehend visual experiences through guided experimentation with various drawing tools and techniques from both historical and contemporary practices, while also learning how to translate three-dimensional objects into two-dimensional images on paper.
Painting This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
An introductory experience in painting begins with methods of underpainting and various approaches to paint handling. The work is from direct observation, while also encouraging each student’s individual imagination and self-expression. Participants are introduced to a variety of painting surfaces, wash techniques and textural manipulations. Class projects seek to promote an understanding of the use of color, the importance of composition and the means to represent volume. Working primarily with acrylic, the focus is on indoor still-life displays and the external environment.
Photography This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
This course covers basic principles of various forms of photography using digital technology. Projects explore studio portraiture, city landscape and photojournalism of local events, while incorporating camera handling, digital manipulation and printing. Students engage in group critiques to gain insight, learn how to talk about their work and inspire them to propel their ideas. Students must provide their own digital camera with adjustable aperture and shutter speed controls.
Product Design This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Product Design is everywhere! As humans, we are surrounded by it all day, every day, in the form of the things that we use to make our lives meaningful and enjoyable. “Products” can include personal items like your shoes or your phone, as well as things like vehicles, furniture, sporting equipment, gaming consoles, and household appliances. Product designers are professional tinkerers and innovators, working through an exploratory process that includes drawing, building, playing, and brainstorming. Students in this class are introduced to the exciting world of Product Design and learn how to use their creative skills to create products that enhance the lives of themselves and others!
This course examines the craft of screenprinting as a means to artistic creation and design. Students experience basic image generation through the use of direct hand-drawn & indirect photographic stencils and are introduced to the fundamentals of contemporary print practice through the use of collage, design and the printing of multiples on paper and fabric.
Illustration This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Illustration is often thought of as telling a story with imagery. An opportunity to explore and develop a personal voice, Core Illustration engages students with the fundamental elements of design to present a narrative that leaves an impact on the viewer. Students are exposed to the ideation and concept development process that is unique to illustration and relevant to today’s professional illustrator.
Graphic Design This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
The computer is a tool of visual communication and a medium of artistic expression. Coursework allows students to begin an exploration of various software and hardware used by designers and other artists. These objectives are achieved through a series of in-depth studio projects, short exercises, demonstrations, critiques and lectures. Studio projects and exercises include assignments in a variety of graphic software applications.
Comics This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Modern comics have been created and distributed for over 125 years. Primarily seen as a storytelling medium, they’ve been used to entertain, inform, instruct, teach, preach and amuse. Over time, numerous creators have stretched and defined the idea of what comics are, how they work and what they can do. During this class, students are introduced to a variety of narrative approaches while participating in short prompts and projects designed to inform their understanding of what makes a comic successful.
Fashion Upcycling This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Did you know that the average person throws away 81 pounds of clothing per year? In this course, students learn how to use garments that would otherwise be destined for the landfill to create new pieces of clothing. Participants experience the process of fashion design, from creating a concept to creating a pattern, and the basic use of a home sewing machine.
Core Studio Concepts Costs
Core Studio Concepts
Tuition (supplies included): $1,635
Optional Residence Hall (includes meal plan): $890
This is what your investment gets:
- Portfolio-ready work in every studio class
- Formal portfolio reviews from experienced reviewers
- Strong foundational skills in beginning- to intermediate-level studio classes
Core Studio Concepts Application - Registration Now Closed
We are excited that you are planning a summer that will challenge you creatively and connect you to so many rewarding opportunities. What better way to spend your summer vacation? To make sure you get the classes you want, we recommend that you:
- Complete an online registration OR you may download the Registration Form and submit it to the Pre-College office via mail, email or fax (see below). Once we receive your Registration Form, you will receive a packet in the mail with information to complete your registration.
- Submit your $50 deposit (refundable by May 15).
Call our office at 414‑847‑3330 or e-mail if you have any questions. We are here to help!
Registration Form submittal options:
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
Attn: Pre-College
273 E. Erie Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202-6003
Fax: 414‑291‑8077
Advanced Studio Concepts: Advanced Level Classes
Jul. 10 – Jul. 28, 2023
Advanced Studio Concepts gives the serious high school junior, senior or graduate the opportunity for a focused studio experience that reflects the dynamic environment of MIAD’s First Year Experience. You are challenged to ask deep questions about the nature of contemporary art and design, media, materials, influences and process. We want you to craft answers that they feel are important to their visual identity, and focus on new ways of seeing, thinking, creating, and communicating. Inquiry and research-based modes of teaching help you connect and contextualize the work you create. An important goal for Advanced Studio Concepts is the development of a portfolio that illustrates the talent and skill essential for entrance to colleges of art and design. Students must submit 10 slides of original work to be considered for this program.
Advanced ability level. (3 MIAD college credits)
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
CLASSES (Choose one)
Fine Arts Studio
Soundly rooted in Fine Art methodologies, the course balances the development of fundamental skills and the nurturing of ideation and visualization concepts desired at the collegiate level. By assessing each student’s creative interests and current work, Fine Arts Studio encourages experimentation with different media and materials to further artistic development on an individual basis. Research is established that draws from contemporary awareness, personal influences and individual knowledge. Students are challenged to create themes, develop content and establish personal muses.
Photo & Video
Photographic imagery and videos surround us, every day. They are embedded in culture and greatly contribute to frame our understanding of ourselves, others and the world around us. As such, lens-based artists have the ability to reproduce the world in impactful and genuine ways. In this class, students learn the impact of these mediums and use their cameras to document, challenge and explore the relationship between photography and video-based practices with intent to share, inform and influence the viewer in various ways. Through looking at the work of contemporary artists, local field trips, purposeful image selection and editing techniques, emphasis is placed on developing strategies that allow the student photographer to become visible in their own work.
Advanced Graphic Design
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in a design agency? Together with MIAD’s Innovation Center, students in this course learn how to work with a client to solve a problem visually and deliver a captivating final product. Starting with a creative brief, students practice adapting processes and best-practices utilized in a real-world agency. This includes: research, moodboard and concept development, sketching, digitally executing ideas and presenting final deliverables. By the end of this course, students develop the necessary skills to present their ideas to others, build confidence in their work and create a professional piece for their portfolio.
Animation This class has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
This experience explores a full range of animation components and techniques, from story-boarding and roto-scopinng to key-framing, motion graphics, kinetic typography and editing. Instruction begins with intensive ideation, screen-writing, and design sessions to define and focus on specific story elements. Students apply these ideas to their work as they explore outstanding animation and video facilities to create original animated works that reinforce numerous portfolio requirements.
Illustration is a vast component of visual culture and is found in many different formats and in a wide range of media. What unifies all illustrators, regardless of style, media or final application of their art, is the ability to visually communicate an idea with imagery. Students enrolled in this course learn professional practices, and how to think through assigned projects, develop effective concepts and translate their ideas into compelling visual solutions.
The Figure in Color
This intensive course uses a wide range of approaches to drawing the human figure. Students work from the nude model, investigating expressive and proportional gesture with an emphasis on the main skeletal and muscular structures of the body. From these exercises, drawings are directed towards form-building and composition through value, light and shadow using a variety of media. Color builds upon previous lessons with emphasis on the interrelationship and layering of colors to create realistic skin tones and form.
Sculpture This class is closed for registration.
This course explores the power of the object through evolving 3D technologies in digital and physical space. Students use MIAD’s Emerging Technologies Center in conjunction with the Sculpture Lab to investigate material meaning and manipulation through replication, transformation, installation and personal narrative. Using 3D Scanning, AI Image Generators, Printing and Laser Cutting as well as Plaster, Alginate, Clay, Found Objects, Physical Installation and documentation, students create multiple three-dimensional works and images that ask questions about how we connect to time and space.
Advanced Studio Concepts Costs
Advanced Studio Concepts
Tuition (supplies included): $1,960
Optional Residence Hall (cost includes meals): $1,385
This is what your investment gets:
- Portfolio-ready work in every studio class
- Formal portfolio reviews from experienced reviewers
- Development of conceptual skills in advanced-level studio classes
- 3 MIAD studio elective college credits
- Work with premier MIAD faculty
Advanced Studio Concepts Application - Registration Now Closed
We are excited that you are planning a summer that will challenge you creatively and connect you to so many rewarding opportunities. What better way to spend your summer vacation? To make sure you get the classes you want, we recommend that you:
- Complete an online registration OR you may download the Registration Form and submit it to the Pre-College office via mail, email or fax (see below). Once we receive your Registration Form, you will receive a packet in the mail with information to complete your registration.
- Submit your $50 deposit (refundable by May 15)
Submit 10 portfolio images. Digital Portfolio with 10 images of recent work must be saved in JPEG format with each image kept under one megabyte. Include a list of images stating the title, medium and year created. These images may be submitted via online dropbox: or clearly print your name on a CD and submit it through the mail.
Call our office at 414‑847‑3330 or e-mail if you have any questions. We are here to help!
Registration Form submittal options:
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
Attn: Pre-College
273 E. Erie Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202-6003
Fax: 414‑291‑8077
Optional Weeknight Workshops
Ceramics – Hand Building with Clay This workshop has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Explore MIAD’s Sculpture Lab and learn hand-built pottery techniques such as coiling, pinching and carving! Students are introduced to glazing techniques and have their pieces fired in MIAD’s kiln. No experience necessary.
Monday, July 10 & Wednesday, July 19 (2-night workshop)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tuition (includes supplies): $95
Virtual Reality – Exquisite Corpse Sculptures This workshop has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
In this workshop, students are introduced to sculpting in virtual reality and 3D printing in the familiar form of the collaborative Exquisite Corpse. No prior experience necessary, in fact, you may be surprised at how intuitive sculpting in VR can be!
Tuesday, July 11 & Wednesday, July 12 (2-night workshop)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tuition (includes supplies): $95
Art Therapy – Creating Calm This workshop has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Art therapy is an experiential form of wellness and personal care, focused on the belief that the process of creating is therapeutic, healing and beneficial. This workshop teaches students how to use art and guided imagery meditation to create calm and find new ways of self-expression. Join us to explore how art can help you slow down, get centered, and get in touch with yourself!
Tuesday, July 11 & Wednesday, July 12 (2-night workshop)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tuition (includes supplies): $95
Textiles – Embroidery This workshop has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Come learn the basics of embroidery and create your own piece in this two-part workshop. The first session introduces you to tools and techniques to help get you started on your design, and the second session teaches you how to finish and show off your work!
Thursday, July 13 & Thursday, July 20 (2-night workshop)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tuition (includes supplies): $95
Printmaking – Letterpress This workshop has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Explore MIAD’s antique wood type collection in this two-evening workshop. Students receive an introduction to typesetting and printing utilizing the Vandercook printing presses. Leave this workshop with an edition (or two) of your uniquely designed text-based posters. Great for anyone interested in graphic design, printmaking, and writing!
Thursday, July 13 & Thursday, July 20 (2-night workshop)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tuition (supplies included): $95
Photography – Cyanotypes and Photograms This workshop has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Learn how to make prints in the darkroom without using a camera! This two-night workshop explores the alternative photographic processes of cyanotypes and photograms. Students use UV light boxes and darkroom enlargers to create a variety of original prints and are introduced to the chemistry utilized in both processes.
Monday, July 17 & Tuesday, July 18 (2-night workshop)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tuition (includes supplies): $95
Risography – Make Your Own Zine This workshop has filled to capacity and is closed for registration. Please contact our office to be added to the waitlist.
Often referred to as a “screen printing machine”, a Risograph is a digital duplicator (like a xerox copier) that uses individual ink drums with a range of vibrant colors to print one color at a time in a fast and affordable way. In this workshop, students are introduced to the cut/fold zine format and produce their own 8-page risographed zine!
Monday, July 17 & Tuesday, July 18 (2-night workshop)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Tuition (includes supplies): $95
Open Figure Drawing
This is an opportunity to draw from a live model without instruction. One model provides a variety of quick and sustained poses. Supplies are provided.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 – 8pm
Free, but students must have permission from their guardian (option on registration form)
Scholarship Opportunities
Thanks to the generous support from our funders, MIAD is pleased to present the following scholarship opportunities.
Note: when applying for scholarship, you must first be registered for class. You may apply for only ONE scholarship.
MIAD’s Merit/Need-Based Scholarship Competition
Partial tuition scholarships are awarded to local and out-of-state students based on merit and financial need. This scholarship is for students that are for out-of-state applicants and Wisconsin residents NOT eligible for Wisconsin’s free- or reduced-lunch. Be sure to include:
- • MIAD’s Merit/Need-Based Scholarship Competition Form
• Digital Portfolio with 10 images of recent work. Images must be saved in JPEG format with each image kept under one megabyte. Include a list of images stating the title, medium and year created. These images may be submitted via online dropbox: or clearly print your name on a CD and submit it through the mail.
• Family Income Statement (see scholarship application form)
• High School Transcript that lists cumulative GPA (unofficial and/or digital versions are acceptable)
• $50 Tuition Deposit (refundable by May 15)
DPI Scholarships
There is a limited amount of grant money supporting the DPI scholarships, and it is on a first-come-first-serve basis. DPI Scholarship Application Form – MUST BE SIGNED BY YOUR PRINCIPAL! Students must reside in Wisconsin and be free- or reduced-lunch eligible in school. Complete the DPI downloadable form and return to MIAD’s Pre-College office.
(Students should not submit $50 deposit)
Students applying after the grant money has been allocated will be notified and placed on a waiting list. Students on the waiting list will be notified if an opening in the program occurs.
Note for City of Milwaukee Residents: A Milwaukee County Transit System bus pass will be provided to all Pre-College students. Due to limited capacity in the Residence Hall, local DPI applicants requesting Residence Hall accommodations will be assessed based on funding and capacity limitations and notified prior to May 1, 2023.
Mark Your Calendar – 2023 Dates
- Apr. 1: MIAD Merit and DPI Scholarship Deadline
- Mid-April: Scholarship Award Notification
- May 1: Registration Deadline
- May 1: Scholarship Acceptance Due
- May 15: Final Payment Deadline (no refunds after May 15)
- June 6: Virtual Orientation 6 p.m. CST
- July 9: Summer Pre-College Orientation at MIAD for students and families 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- July 9: Residence Hall Move-In 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- July 10 – 21: Core Studio Concepts
- July 22: Core Studio Concepts Final Exhibition 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
- July 22: Core Student Res Hall Move-Out
- July 10 – 28: Advanced Studio Concepts Program
- July 29: Advanced Studio Concepts Final Exhibition 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
- July 29: Advanced Student Res Hall Move-Out
COVID-19 Information
As we continue to monitor the pandemic, it is our goal to retain the opportunity for in-person programming for Summer 2023 in a thoughtful, responsible manner. Any decisions made that impact the Summer Pre-College program will be communicated prior to the start of the program. Please read MIAD’s current policies here.