OnMilwaukee.com features MIAD’s innovation, growing enrollment and graduates’ successes
Integrating emerging technologies into the college’s Open Lab/Maker Space and student learning. A 20 percent increase in enrollment over the past three years. Retaining art and design graduates to work in Wisconsin after graduation. These are just a few of the highlights about MIAD mentioned in OnMilwaukee.com’s recent feature, “The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design is infusing Brew City with inspiration, innovation, and access to the creative class.”
“MIAD has always strived to keep pace with current needs and expressions of art and design learners. The school has been consistently ahead of the curve in delivering relevant, quality student-centered art and design education,” said Professor Jim Slauson in the OnMilwaukee.com article.
MIAD President Jeff Morin added, “We hear what employers are asking for and students who get their education here, regardless of what they major in, learn these things. They leave with strong design, communication, research and presentation skills. They know how to work effectively in teams while being very nimble problem solvers in their own right. And most importantly, they are confident in what they are doing.”