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Milkowski named MIAD VP for Development and Communications

Tracy Milkowski

Tracy Milkowski

The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) has named Tracy Milkowski vice president for development and communications. Milkowski began the role in February, following the retirement of Vivian Rothschild, who worked at the nonprofit college for more than a decade and remains working part-time as the grants special projects liaison.

“After a comprehensive search, we are excited to have Tracy join MIAD’s senior leadership team,” said MIAD President Jeff Morin. “Tracy has extensive experience in executive leadership and fundraising positions at Wisconsin private colleges and we look forward to the talent, creativity and passion she will bring to her role at MIAD.”

Milkowski oversees MIAD’s fundraising strategy and programs that support the college’s strategic plan, which aims to ensure students’ equitable access to a MIAD education and launch creative professionals who transform our community. She manages major giving, annual giving and planned giving programs, and also oversees the college’s team that manages marketing, external communications, media relations, special events and social media.

Milkowski’s prior experience includes serving as vice president for advancement and external relations at Holy Family College, vice president for advancement at Marian University, and as a major gift officer and director of the Women’s Leadership Institute at Mount Mary University. She also serves on the YMCA Manitowoc-Two Rivers’s Board of Directors.


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