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MIAD welcomes Rafael Francisco Salas as next Identity Series speaker

Apr 14, 2022

MIAD is pleased to announce Rafael Francisco Salas as our next MIAD Identity Series speaker. Please join us for Salas’s artist talk on Thursday, April 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the MIAD Union.

Rafael Francisco Salas is a Wisconsin-based artist. He combines landscape, the legacy of portraiture, architecture and country music into artwork evoking a strange, rural poetry. He is represented by Portrait Society Gallery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Salas is also an arts writer for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Newcity Art Chicago, The Isthmus Magazine and Urban Milwaukee. In 2022, Governor Tony Evers appointed Rafael Francisco Salas to the Wisconsin Arts Board, the state agency responsible for the support and development of the arts throughout Wisconsin. He also serves on the Executive Board of the Museum of Wisconsin Art and the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Salas is a Professor of Art and Chair of the Department of Art and Art History at Ripon College in Ripon, Wisconsin.

The MIAD Identity Series highlights the roles identity and representation play in creative practice. The Series is coordinated by First-Year Experience with support from the Office of Equity and Inclusion. This year’s series is generously funded by the Forest County Potawatomi Foundation.


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