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MIAD welcomes new chair and four new trustees to board

Headshots of four of MIAD's new trustees

Hans Eckholm, Kellie Hamilton, Todd Stone, Melissa Perez.

At its June Board of Trustees meeting, the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) welcomed four new trustees and recognized two new office appointments, including board chair. 

Deanna Tillisch, retired president & CEO of the United Performing Arts Fund, was appointed Chair of the Board of Trustees for 2023-2024, with immediate past board chair and Astor Street Foundation president Sarah Zimmerman rejoining the board as a member. Geoffrey Mackey, director of marketing & communication at Robert W. Baird & Co., serves as Secretary of the Board during the 2023-2024 year, and Jason W. Allen, partner at Foley & Lardner LLP, continues as Treasurer. 

The new members of the Board of Trustees are Hans Eckholm, Kellie Hamilton, Melissa Perez and Todd Stone. Hans Eckholm, the global design director for Trek Bicycle, has an “optimistic view of the future and seeks to inspire younger students and designers to take a role in improving our planet and its inhabitants’ lives.” Kellie Hamilton, who serves as manager corporate affairs at WEC Energy Group, brings passionate and engaged leadership to her role on the board. Melissa Perez, co-owner and director of customer experience at Stone Creek Coffee, also works locally as user experience designer for Gomoll Research + Design. Todd Stone, executive creative director at Cramer-Krasselt, specializes in “the fine line between creativity and commerce” in his role at one of the country’s largest independent advertising agencies. 

Learn more about MIAD’s new board chair, Board of Trustees and find out how to get involved.


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