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MIAD students and voting in Wisconsin

MIAD students are able to vote in upcoming elections with the required documents and by registering to vote. Check MyVote Wisconsin for detailed information about voter registration, election dates and polling places. 

What documents do students need to vote?

One of the following:

  • A valid Wisconsin Driver’s License
  • Wisconsin State ID Card – students can obtain a free WI ID Card at the Department of Motor Vehicles
  • A new MIAD Student ID that includes the student’s signature
    • Go to room RL45 to provide your signature during normal business hours. 

How do students register to vote?

Wisconsin has same-day voter registration, which means students can register when they vote on election day. To register before Election Day, go to MyVote Wisconsin. Students will need documentation to prove their residency in Wisconsin and register to vote, whether in-person on Election Day or before Election Day. Check this list of accepted documentation and FAQs from MyVote Wisconsin. MIAD recommends using a tuition invoice with the student’s local address, which only takes minutes to receive.

  • If needed, students must first change their address with the Registrar’s Office to their local, current address.
  • Request a tuition invoice from the Student Accounts Office. A student’s local address will appear on the invoice, and it only takes a few minutes.

Where do students vote?

Students should go to to find their polling place and the people who will appear on their ballot. They can also stop by the Help Desk in RL45 and Student Services will help answer any questions and find polling locations.


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