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MIAD student works on Chevy truck of the future in GM internship

Oct 16, 2018

“There’s nothing more satisfying than coming home covered in clay,” said Allison Klosinski ’19 (Industrial Design), who nabbed a highly competitive clay-sculpting internship at General Motors (GM) this past summer, thanks in large part to the clay-sculpting experience she picked up in a MIAD PowerSports course.

Klosinski working on her clay model

Klosinski working on her clay model

As an intern at GM, she returned home covered in clay each day for 10 weeks.

Incorporating new technologies to design vehicles of the future

Klosinski contributed to three design projects and  participated in one week of independent study. For one project, she created a concept for a Chevy e-truck – a modular, sustainable truck of the future. The first task was to imagine the vehicle in the year 2050. The next task was to take a step back, and imagine it in 2030.

This project not only enhanced Klosinski’s clay-sculpting skills, but her communication and interactive skills, as well. She worked closely with another intern, taking that person’s ideas and making them physical.

“We had to learn to have the same vision and work in tandem,” said Klosinski.

Clay model of Chevy e-truck

Clay model of Chevy e-truck

Using a variety of clay-sculpting and 3D printing technology during the internship cemented Klosinski’s desire to either return to GM or work elsewhere in a similar role.

“It made me realize I want to do something hands-on,” she says, adding that the fun and enjoyable work environment at GM was important to her.

Finding a career path in design

When choosing a college, Klosinski hadn’t initially considered attending art and design school.

“Art was an escape, not a career path,” she said. But visiting MIAD showed her that art and design were viable career fields, and scholarships allowed her to pursue them.

As an Industrial Design major, Klosinski has worked on many curricular projects with real companies such as Delta Faucet, Fiskars and Krueger International (KI) in her classes, in addition gaining professional experience during her GM internship.

“Anytime you work with a client and get feedback is helpful,” she said. “From presenting, pitching, developing and considering time and product – every project has helped me grow in some way.”

Klosinski was selected from among more than 70 other applicants to participate in the GM clay-sculpting internship.
