MIAD professor founds nonprofit for Tourette support
With its gently sloping lines evocative of individuals celebrating and embracing their identity together, the logo designed by MIAD Professor Nicole Hauch for Tourette Support & Education, the non-profit she founded, reflects the values of Community & Belonging; Personal Growth & Acceptance; Mindfulness & Understanding.
Hauch, who teaches Communication Design, founded Tourette Support & Education during a yearlong sabbatical in 2023-24.
“I’ve witnessed firsthand the invaluable support that comes from connecting with others facing similar challenges,” says Hauch, who was diagnosed with Tourette’s at age 12 and is the mother of two sons who face similar challenges.
“Tourette syndrome can be a complex tapestry of emotions and behaviors, often overwhelming to navigate,” Hauch explains. “My own family faced considerable challenges during my adolescent years, but through our journey, I’ve come to realize that understanding Tourette syndrome isn’t something that can be achieved in isolation. Having a supportive community of people who truly understand one another, can be transformative.”
“During the creative process of developing Tourette Support & Education’s visual identity, I involved my sons in a unique exercise…,” she says. “I encouraged them to freely express themselves on paper, allowing their tics to naturally influence their artwork. The result was breathtaking – their tics beautifully captured on paper, serving as the primary visual element for our support group and used throughout the website and social media. While Tourette syndrome may not always be perceived as beautiful, it’s essential to acknowledge those moments when it is. It’s within these moments that I believe individuals can truly learn to embrace and love themselves.
“I want people to understand that even with Tourette syndrome, individuals can lead happy, fulfilling lives – socially, professionally and personally. Tourette doesn’t define a person’s potential or limit their ability to succeed and enjoy life.”
Hauch also wants to reach more of the 25,000 individuals in Wisconsin with Tourette syndrome, and associated conditions, and their families. “Our support group’s main goals are to bring a community of families and professionals together, to help make the experience of learning about Tourette syndrome as comfortable and as easy as possible,” says Hauch. “We offer a library of over 40 books available for check-out; a Scholarship Program to camps and conferences; a clinical psychologist & CBIT therapist on our team; and a guest speaker at each meeting.”
The group meets from 6 – 7:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex in Franklin. For more information visit tourettesupport.org.
See Hauch’s interview about founding the nonprofit on WTMJ4 and learn more about MIAD’s Communication Design major!
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