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MIAD president Jeffrey Morin selected for Governor’s Task Force on AI

A headshot of MIAD's president Jeff Morin

MIAD President Jeffrey Morin

Jeffrey Morin, president of the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), was selected to serve on the Governor’s Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence. Consisting of 30 industry experts, the committee aims to identify policies and investments that will advance Wisconsin workers, employers and job seekers.

“AI is changing how we work and the needs of employers and workers, and we must continue to adapt in order to ensure our workforce, our economy, and our state are prepared for the 21st century,” says Gov. Evers in a press release. “These task force members represent a range of fields that are a critical part of the important work we have to do to better understand and prepare for AI, and I am confident that with their insights and expertise we can work to identify the impacts of AI on various sectors and explore best practices that will help us plan for the future.”

MIAD community members actively participate in conversations around artificial intelligence, from coursework to on-campus gallery exhibitions to resources like the Lubar Emerging Technology Center. President Morin will bring a perspective to the task force founded upon his research and experience in Wisconsin’s artistic and creative economy.

“We are excited to convene the Governor’s Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence and identify strategic approaches to optimize the benefits of AI for our workforce and economy,” continues Department of Workforce Development Secretary Pechacek in the press release. “We want to continue Wisconsin’s leadership with a workforce ready to capitalize on the opportunities of this fourth industrial revolution.”

The first meeting of this new task force will take place on October 30, 2023, when President Morin will join his colleagues across disciplines to harness technological advancements in artificial intelligence and ensure the advancement of Wisconsin’s creative workforce.

Read the press release and explore MIAD’s Lubar Emerging Technology Center!


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