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MIAD president contributes to The Chronicle of Higher Education

A headshot of MIAD's president Jeff Morin

MIAD President Jeffrey Morin

Jeffrey Morin, president of the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), spoke with The Chronicle of Higher Education for its August 2023 publication “Surviving as a Small College: Strategies for tough decisions.” Morin spoke on MIAD’s approach to budgeting and its successes in enrollment and retention.

As part of the college’s policy, MIAD is required to have a balanced budget each year. Morin explains his approach to maintaining a successful college while keeping in mind the limitations of the budget. “I always ask this question when I’m working with faculty and staff,” Morin is quoted in the article. “What can we do for nothing?” In this case, nothing just means less—such as finding a low-cost and heat-reducing roller blinds solution, making the building more comfortable for students, staff, faculty and prospective students.

This incremental, patient budgeting philosophy has certainly yielded results. Between 2014 and 2022, MIAD has seen a 44% increase in enrollment, while this past year’s student retention from first year to second was 85.5%. As metrics, these numbers indicate the college’s emphasis on recruitment and retention, a result of tightening and reworking the budget over several years. Morin likens the process to gardening: “sleep, creep, leap” is one of his guiding principles in both college budgeting and growing perennials.

Learn more about President Jeffrey Morin and explore MIAD’s mission and vision.


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