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MIAD Industrial Design alumni win national award, secure patent for work at Milwaukee Tool

MILWAUKEE (March 15, 2019) … The spotlight is shining on MIAD industrial design alumni and their projects for Milwaukee Tool.

RADIUS LightJustin Dorman ’12 won the Industrial Designers Society of America’s (IDSA) International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) Gold award for his design of Milwaukee Tool’s new RADIUS Temporary Site Light. Dorman was honored along with Kyle Harvey and MIAD adjunct faculty member David Proeber.  Additionally, Paul Rossetto ’95 was part of a team at Milwaukee Tool that recently secured a patent for a “power tool and method for wireless communication.”

Each year, the IDEA awards recognize exceptional achievement in industrial design, design strategy and more.

Dorman, who now works for Trek, said he is honored to receive the award and proud of the light design. “It was an amazing culmination of great teamwork, long hours and executing critical details. It really is a great example of a multidisciplinary team, design, research and engineering, working together to create a product that made the worker’s task easier to execute.”

The RADIUS light features “an optical design that delivers a consistent beam, optimized color temperature and true representation of color detail,” according to the IDSA website.

MIAD’s Industrial Design program prepares students to innovate

Justin Dorman“This award recognizes the talent of our Industrial Design graduates who excel and are recognized at the highest level of the profession, and reflects on the quality of the design education they received at MIAD,” said MIAD Industrial Design Professor Pascal Malassigné. “It is another measure of success for a company who has built its design staff almost entirely with MIAD ID graduates.”

About 75% of industrial designers at Milwaukee Tool are MIAD alumni. Trek, where Dorman currently works, employs several MIAD alumni as product designers.

“The MIAD Industrial Design program [link] helped lay the groundwork for what it takes to achieve a grounded, thoughtful and useful product design at a high level,” said Dorman. “It helped me realize that grinding away at a problem worth solving, and giving that little bit extra, is not only personally satisfying, but delivers a result that is worthy of being produced.”


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