Reimagining the Global Village Exhibition
Dates: October 11 – December 4, 2021
Location: Frederick Layton Gallery at MIAD, 273 E. Erie St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Admission: Admission to all gallery events and programming is free. Gallery hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Exhibition online resources: View artist work, bios and interviews.
“Reimagining the Global Village,” an exhibition curated by MIAD alum Nirmal Raja ‘08 (Painting) and generously sponsored by Fiserv, features transnational art collaborations by nearly 30 artists and collectives in 18 countries that not only celebrate the universal urge to create, but also address major global issues such as refugees at borders, ruptures in cross-cultural communication and climate change.
No pre-registration is required for in-person events. Due to the pandemic, MIAD requires all visitors to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.
Opening Reception, Oct. 14, 6 – 8 p.m.
Gallery Night & Day MKE, Oct. Oct. 15, 5 – 9 p.m. and Oct. 16, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

“The Pillars of the Earth” by Virginia Zanetti, performance, mine, Paradsinga MP, India, 2016
Pre-registration is required for each virtual event. Registered attendees will receive a separate Zoom link for each event they register to attend. Click the links/buttons below to register.

“The Night Flag of Lesvos” by Pamela Longobardi
Climate Change & Sustainability: Transnational Perspectives in Art, Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m. CST
A panel of four artists – Monica Jahan Bose, Pamela Longobardi, Jill Sebastian and Liz Bacchuber – discuss their work and innovative strategies and socially engaged projects to address the looming global climate change crisis. Moderated by Leslie Fedorchuk.
Working with Communities Transnationally, Nov. 11, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CST
When artists situate themselves as global citizens and work with communities across countries and cultures, their impact is large in scale – providing people they work with, a sense of purpose, belonging, healing and voice. Artists from the exhibition Drew Matott and Virginia Zanetti and artist/educator Raoul Deal discuss what inspires them to keep working with international communities to make art.

Still image from Inna Dmitrieva’s film, “Landays”
Landays: Poetry of Afghan Women, Dec. 2, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CST
This three-part virtual event features a screening of Inna Dmitrieva’s short film, Landays, followed by a conversation between the filmmaker, curator Nirmal Raja and family/refugee interventionist Freshta Taeb. The event concludes with a a communal reading of Landays as a simple act of solidarity with women and children of Afghanistan.
Landays, a film by Inna Dmitrieva, is both a celebration of the Landay, a traditional couplet form of Afghan poetry, and an exploration of women’s life in contemporary Afghanistan. Centered around an interview with a young woman from Kabul, the piece juxtaposes rephotographed images of Afghan life with performances of several landay couplets. Students and viewers are invited to sign up/choose a Landays they would like to read. More information on this will be available prior to the event.