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MIAD Board of Trustees welcomes new members

Dr. Daniel A. Schroeder and Noah Stone.

Dr. Daniel A. Schroeder and Noah Stone.

The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) Board of Trustees welcomed two new members at their January 2024 meeting. Dr. Daniel A. Schroeder, co-founder and president/CEO of Organization Development Consultants, Inc. (ODC), and Noah Stone, reference librarian and circulation assistant at North Shore Public Library, joined MIAD’s Board.

As co-founder and president/CEO of ODC, Dr. Schroeder and his team provide assessment-based solutions that consistently produce significant gains in the areas of organizational, team/work unit and individual effectiveness. With a background as a Consulting Psychologist, Dr. Schroeder also teaches in the Organizational Leadership and Change (graduate) and Organizational Behavior and Leadership (undergraduate) programs at Edgewood College (Madison, WI), both programs that he founded. Since 2022, he has taught courses in Harvard University’s graduate program in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology. He currently serves as Faculty Advisor for Harvard’s I-O Psychology Society.

Dr. Schroeder’s professional interests include organization development and effectiveness, leadership development and succession planning, high performance learning systems, employee engagement/motivation/satisfaction and employee selection and placement. Earning his doctoral (Psychology/Organizational Science) and bachelor’s (Psychology/Professional Business) degrees within the University of Wisconsin System, Dr. Schroeder graduated with his master’s degree in I-O Psychology at Western Michigan University.

Stone received his master’s degree in Library Science and Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2023 and his undergraduate degree in English from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. He also works as a disability advocate and presenter for Pink Umbrella Theater Company, an arts organization dedicated to expanding opportunities and providing inclusive theater for disabled artists ages four to adulthood. Stone is passionate about working to create truly inclusive and disability-friendly spaces. He has facilitated neurodiversity and inclusivity training for schools, businesses and arts organizations that include the Milwaukee Ballet’s sensory-friendly Nutcracker performance and the Milwaukee Repertory Theater.

Outside of work, Stone is an avid writer, enjoys reading graphic novels and manga and is an amateur photographer. He is keen to share his perspective as part of MIAD’s Board of Trustees to help create inclusive opportunities for MIAD students and community.

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