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MIAD alum designs ‘beautiful’ horror posters

Creating “something that’s beautiful and terrifying at the same time” is not only possible, it’s a “fun and favorite challenge” for Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) alum and staff member Kyle V. James ’15. James’ latest horror movie poster, “Forgive Me,” is front and center as the film premieres at the 55th Stiges – International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia, Spain, October 3 – 10.

“I’ve been designing cover art for movies and games for a couple of years now,” James says. “I started by redesigning movie posters of my favorite films just for fun and posting the artwork online. Soon after I shared my first poster for Annihilation – a film that balances the line between the beautiful and the grotesque perfectly – indie filmmakers started reaching out to see if I was available to design artwork for their films.”

“Designing cover art for feature films, documentaries, indie games, children books, short films, album covers and even a poster triptych for the Bucks has helped me with my role as assistant director of the MIAD Lubar Innovation Center,” James says. “My job is often to be the conduit between the students and the client, making sure the client is happy with the artwork that’s produced, and the students have a positive experience working on a paid client project.”

James says he also “occasionally does freelance video and animation work for clients through Moonflower Productions, a small media company a few artists and I formed years back.”

With long-time collaborator Michael Bourne and fellow MIAD alum Mallori Taylor ’15, James says, “We have been working on an animated feature film for several years – this is a passion project that we can funnel our creative energy into when we are between client projects.”

James’ award-winning senior thesis short film, “The Death Drive,” was featured at the Milwaukee Film Festival. He has also received two Brico Forward Fund grants. View his work, including some in progress, on Instagram and on his website.

Learn more about how MIAD students and clients work in MIAD’s Lubar Innovation Center.


MIAD Values Recognition Award: Grant Gill

Grant Gill ’13 (Photography), Photography & Digital Media Lab Technician, received the August 2024 MIAD Values Recognition Award at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD). Gill’s nominations speak to his values of Community and Integrity.

Lubar Innovation Center brings MKE history to Brix Apartments

The one thing Alivia Rapp ’24 (Illustration) would change about working with MIAD’s Lubar Innovation Center is getting “involved with staff Drew Maxwell and Kyle James even earlier in my college experience to really milk it for all it’s worth! It is one of the things I truly miss about MIAD post-grad.”

MIAD students win International Sculpture Center awards

Recent MIAD graduates Caroline Calvano ’24 and Chad Alexander Matha ’24 (New Studio Practice: Fine Arts) each received a 2024 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award from the International Sculpture Center, publisher of Sculpture magazine.

MIAD’s MAKE! program helps artist Maysen realize new exhibit

For multidisciplinary artist Claudia Maysen, MIAD’s MAKE! For Educators program in June helped her “to explore and materialize ideas” for “Playthings” – a new solo exhibition on gun violence on view at Milwaukee’s 5 Points Art Gallery + Studios through October 27.

MIAD receives transformational Title III grant

The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) has been awarded a prestigious Title III grant from the U.S. Department of Education, the first Title III grant in the college’s history. The grant provides $2,242,315 million over five years, and MIAD will contribute $350,000 over the five years.