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Marketing & Communication

The Marketing & Communication Office promotes MIAD’s mission, values and vision through creative communications and consistent reflection of our brand. We champion enrollment in MIAD’s programs through innovative marketing and communications that exemplify our educational offerings, diverse faculty and outstanding facilities. Marketing & Communication sees their work in service to the MIAD community. 

Your Creative Path Starts Here.

Brand Resources

At MIAD, we collaborate, innovate and solve problems together. We connect in meaningful ways and take inspiration from the vibrant world around us. We believe in the power of art and design to not merely reflect the world, but to change it. This is where passion finds purpose.

We invite the MIAD community to utilize the college’s brand resources. Our Brand Guide provides downloadable assets, including the college’s logos, as well as fonts and templates.

For the Media

MIAD’s Marketing & Communication Office is the first point of contact for all media inquiries. We are happy to provide information about the college, our community programs and galleries. Press releases, images and media interview scheduling are all available through our office. You can find more on our News page, which offers the latest information on all things MIAD. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Let’s connect!
Stacey Steinberg
Executive Director of Marketing & Communication, 414.847.3236


MIAD professor founds nonprofit for Tourette support

With its gently sloping lines evocative of individuals celebrating and embracing their identity together, the logo designed by MIAD Professor Nicole Hauch for Tourette Support & Education, the non-profit she founded, reflects the values of Community & Belonging; Personal Growth & Acceptance; Mindfulness & Understanding.

MIAD writing instructor publishes critically acclaimed book

Sean Enfield, critical studies and writing instructor at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), published Holy American Burnout! in December 2023. Since then, Enfield’s collection of essays has received critical acclaim and widespread support.

MIAD professor Lee digs dinosaurs to paint human condition

For 10 years, MIAD First Year Experience Assistant Professor and painter Matthew Lee has visited and worked in a 66-million-year-old dinosaur bonebed near Ekalaka, Mont. On three occasions, he’s taken MIAD students with him as part of MIAD’s Study Abroad Programs, to dig and create art there.

MIAD professor’s work supports community

A self-described artist, social practitioner and storyteller, MIAD Service Learning and Critical Studies faculty Hj Bullard leads a life of community support, within MIAD and beyond.