Lubar Innovation Center concepts for Harley-Davidson Museum
Two students from the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) worked together to concept and develop fresh ideas for the Harley-Davidson Museum on a recent project through the Lubar Innovation Center.
Communication Design student Delaney Regan ’25 and alum Abigail Tessmer ’24 worked with Associate Professor of Communication Design Adam Setala ’06 (Illustration) and the Lubar Innovation Center on a prompt from the Harley-Davidson Museum asking for new, interactive concepts for the Milwaukee museum.
The Harley-Davidson Museum approached Setala and the Innovation Center to source inventive ideas. “They wanted us to come up with really outside-the-box thinking,” explains Drew Maxwell, Executive Director of the Lubar Innovation Center. “An array of concepts for their museum, specifically for one area. But we over-delivered and we took it into QR codes all over and a scavenger hunt for kids! The deliverables were these out-of-the-box ideas. It wasn’t a physical thing.”
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Delaney Regan presents for the Harley-Davidson Museum and Lubar Innovation Center.
Specifying themes of process and collaboration and an aim to engage visitors by “showcasing the intricate processes involved in the creation of Harley-Davidson motorcycles,” the project brief drove the designers’ concepts. Tessmer, Regan and Setala presented ideas ranging from a mini poster stamping station and texture rubbings to a 3D-printed custom bike building experience and leather-stamping.
A self-described “car lover and avid Harley rider,” Tessmer was delighted to work on the project. “One of the highlights of my experience was being able to shoot for the moon on some of our concepts and then work with our MIAD team to figure out how we could make it happen to pitch it to the Harley-Davidson team,” she says.
“We’ve done some just concepting [projects] before,” explains Maxwell. “This is kind of how we teach here. Do a million rough sketches, your first five you’re going to throw away but it’ll get you somewhere … Here’s a buffet of concepts. What’s resonating with you? What do you like or not like? What are your favorite colors? Through that process they find it.”
“Honestly I wish I would have worked with the IC sooner,” says Tessmer. “I had mentioned to Adam [Setala] before this project that a dream of mine was to work with Harley-Davidson some day since I grew up riding Harleys. I believe it was that same week that he pitched me the project. Certainly a great way to say my farewells to MIAD!”
Keep up with Regan and Tessmer, explore the Lubar Innovation Center and Harley-Davidson Museum and learn more about MIAD’s Communication Design major!
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