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Independence First and MIAD students produce adaptive clothing

Students in a junior-level Fashion and Apparel Design class at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) collaborated with Independence First to design adaptive clothing. Two Independence First employees worked closely with MIAD students on customized outfits specific to their needs and preferences.

In spring 2024, Zachary Scharrer ’24 (Product Design) worked with Independence First to design adaptive formalwear for his senior exhibition project. Now, students in Associate Professor Sarah Eichhorn’s Patternmaking & Construction III class are collaborating with Independence First as part of their formal coursework. Independence First is a resource for people with disabilities in the metro Milwaukee area. 

“I’ve never made adaptive clothing,” says Galilea Cerda, who designed a sweatshirt for Independence First employee Harvey Ross. “I had to research a lot of what that consists of, which takes into consideration different kinds of closings, different kinds of fabric and lengths and certain cuts.”

“Adaptive clothing is not very well known or very accessible in terms of [being] easily attainable,” explains Andi Minster, an employee at Independence First and one of the collaborators on the MIAD students’ designs. “I loved this project just because it brings to light something I’m really passionate about, which is inclusion for everybody.” MIAD students Joe Kline and Izzy Messenger designed and produced a two-piece romper for Minster.

“So far we’ve made pretty much symmetrical designs,” explains Messenger. “Our client [Andi] has cerebral palsy, so one side of her waist is longer than the other. Learning how to adapt to that and pattern around that has been really interesting and really helpful to learn about.”

Kline, who worked with Messenger on Minster’s romper, reflects that although Minster loves how rompers look, she finds them hard to wear as someone who is always seated. “I feel like everyone deserves to wear what they want to wear… So I think it’s nice that we’re given the opportunity to let [Andi] wear something that she wants to wear.”

When considering how this project might impact future design work, Bailey Staerkel responds, “[Thinking] and considering about the needs of a client, I think, is the most important thing to take away from this project. Whether you’re working with able-bodied people or disabled people, you have to think about what your client needs in their clothing.” Staerkel made a pair of pants for Ross.

Miah Brown, who made a collared t-shirt for Ross, expressed the heightened need to collaborate effectively during this project. “I’ve worked with clients before, but not at this capacity of going through the whole process … It’s kind of like getting into the nitty gritty of all of it. I think I’m going to take that with me and be like, okay, we have to get into the nitty gritty so we know what’s going on.”

Learn more about Independence First and explore MIAD’s Fashion and Apparel Design major!


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