August 2021 Update on student studio and workspaces
August 24, 2021
Throughout last spring and summer, MIAD has been working to return operations from primarily virtual to in-person experiences. During this time, many physical spaces of our building have been transformed and been reconstructed to address evolving student and academic program needs. On August 23, MIAD sent an email to students to clarify information about student studios and workspaces on campus:
- Juniors and Seniors: Each junior and senior in all majors will be assigned studio space, as well as lockable storage within their studio space.
- Sophomores: Each sophomore in Product Design, Interior Architecture and Design, and New Studio Practice: Fine Arts will be assigned studio space, as well as lockable storage within their studio space. Communication Design and Illustration sophomores will continue to use other workspaces available on campus. This is consistent with studio assignments in previous years prior to the pandemic.
- First-year students: All first-year students are assigned a lockable storage in hallway lockers.
In addition to spaces available for specific majors/years, the following workspaces are available to all MIAD students:
- Any classroom is available for student use when a class is not in session. Signs are posted outside each classroom so students can know when a class is in session and when the space is available for use.
- Any lab on campus is available for student use, including computer labs, the Emerging Technology Center, Printmaking Lab, Sculpture Lab and 3D Lab. In some labs, students may need to become certified before being able to use the equipment. MIAD is developing a process to certify new students and returning students whose certification may be delayed due to the pandemic. Questions on lab access can be directed to lab technicians.
- The 4th Floor has various student workspaces (with power outlets, tables or group study spaces) available. The MIAD Innovation Center, also located on the 4th Floor, has workspace open to all students.
- The Equity & Inclusion Center, located on the 2nd Floor, offers space available to students. This space is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Detailed information about specific studios, workspaces and lockable storage for students will be provided this week to faculty chairs and studio faculty, and they will share that information with students.
As we move back into in-person learning in newly configured spaces, we encourage our community to practice patience, grace and our core value of kindness. It is MIAD’s goal to create the best possible learning experiences for our students.
If students have any questions about spaces available on campus, we encourage them to contact their department’s chair.