The Office of the Registrar provides students with enrollment assistance, enrollment deadlines, tuition adjustment/refund deadlines, grade reports, official transcripts, enrollment verifications, diploma, grade reports, information regarding the release and withholding of private information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), information on residency for tuition purposes, veterans services and more.
Contact info: Jean Weimer, Registrar; 414‑847‑3272,
Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords students the right to have access to their education records, the right to seek to have their records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from their education records. Only information that is considered “directory information” may be shared with anyone other than the student. Directory information does NOT include a student’s social security number. Except for directory information, MIAD must have a student’s written consent to release their personal, academic, and financial information to anyone except the student, regardless of age. Grades, disciplinary history and action, health concerns, remaining account balances, and meal plan information are considered FERPA protected information and require a student’s written consent to release.
Exceptions to FERPA are allowed in life-threatening situations.
Please see our full FERPA policy.
Summerfest collaborates with MIAD Lubar Innovation Center
This year, Milwaukee Summerfest partnered with the Lubar Innovation Center at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) to design the 2025 lineup poster.
Tatiana Osburn: Senior Exhibition 2025
Tatiana Osburn ’25 (Fine Art + New Studio Practice), “Solace In My Pews Of Devotion.” Tatiana is from Milwaukee, Wis.
Lauren Blood: Senior Exhibition 2025
Lauren Blood ’25 (Communication Design; Business minor through Marquette), “Raða.” Lauren was a Finalist at the recent 2025 United Adworkers Showcase Awards and is from Kansas City, Kansas.
Megan Ramirez: Senior Exhibition 2025
Megan Ramirez ’25 (Interior Architecture and Design), “The Sentinel Apartments.” Megan is a President’s (Honor) List student from Milwaukee, Wis.
International students drawn to MIAD’s creativity and community
International students Eeshaan Dutt ’26 and Chelsea Mody ’25 share more than both being from India; they came to MIAD based on the creativity and welcoming community they found at the college.