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Learning Outcomes = Learning for the 21st Century

What can students expect to learn in their four years of a bachelor’s education at MIAD?

What will it take to be successful in the 21st Century?

As part of MIAD’s strategic planning, faculty focused on these questions through the College Curriculum Committee, a group of faculty leaders charged with looking at the curriculum of the entire college, rather than at specific majors. Building on research of best practices in learning and MIAD’s tradition of student-focused and active education, we confirmed our progression toward integrated learning and from being teaching-centered to learning-centered.

In embracing this shift, our exceptional educators asked deeper questions about learning and the connections between learning across the college, opening up exciting dialogues with our students.

From a wider definition of curriculum, we moved to college-wide outcomes, again conducting extensive research of other colleges and integrating that research with thought-provoking discussion among our dedicated faculty.

The resulting eight learning outcomes — both challenging and interdependent — are a roadmap for young artists and designers to be able to think, communicate, research, apply, create, solve and lead — and do all of these thoughtfully, effectively and meaningfully. Most of all, the outcomes will prepare students who are creative, dynamic and willing to learn to be successful in the 21st Century.

MIAD students will be able to:

  • Apply critical and analytical thinking.
  • Demonstrate mastery of techniques and skills within one’s chosen discipline(s).
  • Effectively communicate and express ideas visually, orally and in writing, using appropriate terminology.
  • Conduct independent inquiry and research through critical engagement through technology and information sources.
  • Apply creative thinking to problem solving: identify, define, intuit and resolve problems creatively.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional practices maintained in one’s field(s) of study.
  • Build an individually distinct body of work.
  • Create productive relationships in the community.



MIAD professor founds nonprofit for Tourette support

With its gently sloping lines evocative of individuals celebrating and embracing their identity together, the logo designed by MIAD Professor Nicole Hauch for Tourette Support & Education, the non-profit she founded, reflects the values of Community & Belonging; Personal Growth & Acceptance; Mindfulness & Understanding.

MIAD writing instructor publishes critically acclaimed book

Sean Enfield, critical studies and writing instructor at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), published Holy American Burnout! in December 2023. Since then, Enfield’s collection of essays has received critical acclaim and widespread support.

MIAD professor Lee digs dinosaurs to paint human condition

For 10 years, MIAD First Year Experience Assistant Professor and painter Matthew Lee has visited and worked in a 66-million-year-old dinosaur bonebed near Ekalaka, Mont. On three occasions, he’s taken MIAD students with him as part of MIAD’s Study Abroad Programs, to dig and create art there.

MIAD professor’s work supports community

A self-described artist, social practitioner and storyteller, MIAD Service Learning and Critical Studies faculty Hj Bullard leads a life of community support, within MIAD and beyond.