Financial aid at MIAD is not just about numbers, or our commitment to work one on one with you to help realize your dream of becoming a creative professional.
It’s not just about the fact 98% of all full-time, degree-seeking students receive institutional funds.
Financial aid at MIAD is about a sound investment that begins with your first year and continues for a lifetime of personal and professional success.
That’s why:
92% of MIAD alumni rated their overall experience at MIAD as excellent or good.
(Strategic National Arts Alumni Project 2011).
Here’s what they and others say about MIAD’s transformative community and curriculum.
“I’ve visited many art and design schools around the country and world and found an atmosphere and confidence at MIAD that are unique…. Students have a clear and well-deserved sense of themselves and their work, and that is a rare thing.”
Mark Rios, FAIA, FASLA (hear Mark for yourself!)
Founding Principal, Rios Clementi Hale Studios, Los Angeles
“I remember talking to my dad about MIAD … and I said, ‘Dad, trust me. This is what I want to do. I love it. I’m going to do well. I have this scholarship, I have financial aid, it’s going to be great.’ And it is, I love my job, I love going to work every day. MIAD changed my life.”
Chelsea Atwell ’10 (Communication Design)
Art Director, Laughlin Constable
“I’m the first one in my family who hasn’t gone to a public university…. I didn’t want to be in classes with 200 people – and I fell in love with the 3-D lab! I’ve had more opportunities at MIAD than I ever thought possible.”
Julie Wayer ’12 (Industrial Design major; Sculpture minor)
Foundry Assistant, Consanti Originals, Arcosanti
“I transferred to MIAD … from a public college because I felt that I needed the concentrated, creative and challenging environment that MIAD offers. It was a big step to take. But through financial aid … the transition was seamless.”
Adrian Gilling ’10 (Communication Design)
Senior Designer, GMR Marketing
Inspiring Young Creative, HOW Magazine