A good illustrator has the versatility to tackle a broad range of challenges, thrives in the face of particular parameters, and brings a consistently unique and distinctive voice to all projects. I am interested in my students navigating with excitement and confidence an ambiguous path: demonstrating utmost adaptability and professionality in the face of project parameters while at the same time employing their unique vision and strengths and applying a distinctive “handwriting.”
Christiane Grauert is an illustrator whose work has appeared nationally and internationally in magazines, newspapers, on book covers and posters, as well as in text and children’s books. She has created illustrations on a broad range of topics for publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Harvard Business Review, The Progressive, and Utne Reader. She has illustrated stories for a South Korean children’s book publisher, developed a visual identity and artwork for a German textbook series ranging from 5th grade through high school, and designed a number of paper pop-up advent calendars.

“Old Town”, calendar front
Grauert combines hand-drawn imagery, found textures and materials with a digital collage approach, and on occasion engineers paper into pop-up constructions. Her work has been featured in national and international illustration and design competitions including American Illustration, The Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles, HOW Magazine Annual Self-Promotion Competition, Print Regional Design Annual, and Die schönsten deutschen Bücher by Stiftung Buchkunst. In 2013 she was a winner in the 2nd American Batik Design Competition.

Korean Travel Log – A Pop-Up Sketchbook
Grauert grew up in Germany where she received a Diploma in Graphic Design/Illustration from the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig. She came to the US to attend graduate school and received her MFA in Visual Studies from Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She has taught as a Visiting Assistant Professor at SUNY Buffalo, NY and joined MIAD’s full-time illustration faculty in 2000.

“Don’t Go”, short fiction
Christiane Grauert is an avid traveller and takes a sketchbook on all of her trips.
View Christiane’s work at christiane-grauert.com, and browse her travel sketches here.