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Emerging Technology Center hosts Technique of the Week

During the fall 2023 semester, the Lubar Emerging Technology Center at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) hosts “Technique of the Week” demonstrations for students, faculty and staff. MIAD community members are invited to attend presentations on everything from 3D scanning objects to fermentation to Minecraft. Most recently, attendees played pinball on a handmade virtual pinball machine.

Andy Bernier, associate professor and chair of the Illustration major, created the virtual pinball machine during COVID. “If you know me, you know that I talk about pinball way too much right now,” laughs Bernier. “Thanks for coming to an actual forum so I can get it off my chest!”

A painted wooden frame and antique coin collection panel make up the foundation of Bernier’s machine, which emulates physical pinball machines by using a computer software program and three flat-top screens to display custom-illustrated graphics and animations. Based on classic pinball games from the 90’s, like Junkyard, the virtual pinball machine is fully functional and allows players to choose from a multitude of games.

From soldering electrical work to 3D printing pieces to laser cutting components, Bernier used resources and education provided by the Emerging Technology Center (ETC) to construct his virtual pinball machine. During his presentation, he described mechanisms like an accelerometer sensor, which detects when players shake the machine and allows the device to react appropriately. “One of the elements was trying to make it as realistic as possible,” explains Bernier.

The virtual pinball machine will be available to view for the next month in the ETC, after which Bernier hopes to submit the machine to the upcoming faculty exhibition. Visit the ETC and view the schedule for the next Technique of the Week!


MIAD professor founds nonprofit for Tourette support

With its gently sloping lines evocative of individuals celebrating and embracing their identity together, the logo designed by MIAD Professor Nicole Hauch for Tourette Support & Education, the non-profit she founded, reflects the values of Community & Belonging; Personal Growth & Acceptance; Mindfulness & Understanding.

MIAD writing instructor publishes critically acclaimed book

Sean Enfield, critical studies and writing instructor at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), published Holy American Burnout! in December 2023. Since then, Enfield’s collection of essays has received critical acclaim and widespread support.

MIAD professor Lee digs dinosaurs to paint human condition

For 10 years, MIAD First Year Experience Assistant Professor and painter Matthew Lee has visited and worked in a 66-million-year-old dinosaur bonebed near Ekalaka, Mont. On three occasions, he’s taken MIAD students with him as part of MIAD’s Study Abroad Programs, to dig and create art there.

MIAD professor’s work supports community

A self-described artist, social practitioner and storyteller, MIAD Service Learning and Critical Studies faculty Hj Bullard leads a life of community support, within MIAD and beyond.