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Director of MIAD Galleries commended by Common Council

Mark Lawson

Mark Lawson

The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design’s (MIAD) Director of Galleries Mark Lawson was awarded a commendation by the Milwaukee Common Council recognizing his service to MIAD and to the Historic Third Ward Association.

The resolution, which was introduced and approved by Common Council members on April 9, 2024, commends Lawson for his dedicated service to the arts. Lawson retires in April with 36 years of service to MIAD as the Director of Galleries and 19 years on the Historic Third Ward Association’s Board of Directors.

“Throughout the course of his career, [he] hosted over 200 exhibitions, featuring artists and artistic work of all kinds,” reads the resolution. He was further recognized for “featuring art work never before seen by the public and providing an invaluable historic and artist resource.”

In addition to his service at MIAD and on the Historic Third Ward Association, Lawson was also a member of the Third Ward Architectural Review Board and is president of the board of directors of the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts in Milwaukee.

“Mark Lawson has been a tireless advocate of the arts in Milwaukee, lending his expertise and passion to countless organizations and projects over the years, and has left an indelible mark on the City’s creative communities as well as hundreds of artists, students, designers, patrons, and colleagues,” finishes the resolution.

Lawson will retire from MIAD on April 26, 2024. Stacey Steinberg, MIAD’s executive director of marketing & communication, was elected to take Lawson’s place on the Historic Third Ward Association’s Board of Directors.

Learn more about MIAD’s Galleries!


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