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Communication Design senior designs materials to help kids diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes

When Sydney Genthe ‘21 (Communication Design) was eight years old, she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. The materials doctors gave Sydney and her parents about the condition were created primarily for parents, not children, to understand. 

This experience inspired Sydney’s 2021 MIAD Senior Exhibition project, “MyTy.” MyTy is a box of materials for children that teaches them about living with Type 1 diabetes. The box includes an activity book, logbook, colorful bandages, an ID card, stickers and a stuffed animal dog named Benny to hold while taking injections.

This project, along with the projects of more than 160 MIAD seniors, are on view in the virtual MIAD 2021 Senior Exhibition. The exhibition is generously sponsored by BMO Harris Bank. View online at


MIAD professor founds nonprofit for Tourette support

With its gently sloping lines evocative of individuals celebrating and embracing their identity together, the logo designed by MIAD Professor Nicole Hauch for Tourette Support & Education, the non-profit she founded, reflects the values of Community & Belonging; Personal Growth & Acceptance; Mindfulness & Understanding.

MIAD writing instructor publishes critically acclaimed book

Sean Enfield, critical studies and writing instructor at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), published Holy American Burnout! in December 2023. Since then, Enfield’s collection of essays has received critical acclaim and widespread support.

MIAD professor Lee digs dinosaurs to paint human condition

For 10 years, MIAD First Year Experience Assistant Professor and painter Matthew Lee has visited and worked in a 66-million-year-old dinosaur bonebed near Ekalaka, Mont. On three occasions, he’s taken MIAD students with him as part of MIAD’s Study Abroad Programs, to dig and create art there.

MIAD professor’s work supports community

A self-described artist, social practitioner and storyteller, MIAD Service Learning and Critical Studies faculty Hj Bullard leads a life of community support, within MIAD and beyond.