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Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar provides students with important enrollment-related functions and assists students and families with understanding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) upon entry to college.

A group of students walk into MIAD's building.


The Office of the Registrar is open
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 


Phone: 414-847-3273

Jean Weimer

Megan Murphy
Assistant Registrar


MIAD Campus
RL45B or RL45D

The Office of the Registrar offers many enrollment-related services, including:

  • Transfer requests and other enrollment assistance
  • Academic records like transcripts and diplomas 
  • Veteran Educational Benefits 
  • FERPA information


A metallic radial sculpture with a belly button ring in the center.


Access important forms from the Registrar’s Office.

An exterior photo of MIAD's entrance

Academic Advising

Connect with MIAD’s Academic Advising team.

A symmetrical, kaleidoscopic, detailed image in peach, pink and brown.

Deadlines & Dates

Keep track of important dates and deadlines.

A nature-inspired sculpture of a mossy log with mushrooms and butterflies

Registration Services

Explore class schedules and course registration.

How to read your program of study

This is a general overview of how to interpret and read a program of study. Each Program of Study is personalized based on the path you choose. Contact Academic Advising with questions about your program of study.


MIAD seniors receive 2025 Alumni Senior Thesis Awards

Thanks to the generosity of alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the college, the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) will award $7,085 to 44 seniors to directly support the fabrication and installation of their senior exhibition capstone projects.

MIAD students sweep 2025 United Adworkers Showcase Awards

The United Adworkers, Milwaukee’s premier organization dedicated to advertising, marketing and creative excellence throughout and beyond Wisconsin, awarded all of 2025’s Student Showcase Awards to current or recently graduated MIAD students.

Career insights: Bridge Work offers students professional guidance

The “Bridge Work: Ten Years of Making” exhibition on view at MIAD has offered not only a showcase of creativity and professional accomplishments by 23 recent BFA graduates, but also a unique opportunity for current students to learn from them and build a plan for their own careers.

Failure and resiliency: MIAD professor talks adaptation and process

When he first applied for the Ruth Arts + MIAD Grant program, Jason S. Yi planned to attend the Berlin Biennale. However, the MIAD fine art instructor needed to change gears and shift the focus of his project after discovering the biennale wouldn’t take place until 2025.