Lubar Emerging Technology Center
The Lubar Emerging Technology Center (ETC) is a place where MIAD students, staff and faculty engage with technologies as they develop. The purpose of the Lubar ETC is to help students learn how to learn to use technology to support their creative practice. All students have full access to the center, regardless of course of study or discipline. The center supports 3 types of digital making: Rapid Prototyping, Immersive Technology, and Physical Computing.
Visit the Lubar Emerging Technology Center here.
Rapid Prototyping:
Rapid Prototyping is the used of computer controlled machines to make three dimensional objects.
(2) Universal Laser Systems 6.150D laser cutters / etchers
(7) Lulzbot Taz 6 FDM 3D Printers
(4) Formlabs Form 2 SLA 3D Printers with automatic wash stations
(1) Roland CAMM-1 GR-420 42” Digital Cutter
(3) Silhouette Cameo 3 12” Digital Cutters
Immersive Technology:
Immersive Technology uses Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to create compelling user experiences through digital display. The Lubar ETC has all three of the major VR platforms present in the lab, as well as Microsoft Hololens, ambisonic microphones and 360 degree video cameras with stitching software.
(1) HTC Vive Virtual Reality Headset
(1) Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset
(1) Samsung HMD Odyssey Mixed Reality Headset
(2) Microsoft Hololens Augmented Reality Headsets
(1) GoPro Omni 360 degree video camera
(1) Garmin VIRB 360 degree video camera
(1) Sennheiser Ambeo ambisonic microphone with dedicated TASCAM multitrack audio recorder
(40) Google Cardboard
Physical Computing:
Physical Computing is the discipline of making interactive and dynamic physical objects using small computers.
(8) Raspberry Pi 3 mini computers
(20) Arudino Uno microcontrollers
(12) Adafruit Flora and Gemma wearable microconrtollers
(3) Full circuit prototyping stations with Hakko soldering irons, fume extractors, soldering aids, etc.
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