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Alumni Profile: Philip Gattuso ’14

Tools of the Engraving* Trade. Copper Plate Engraving. Philip Gattuso BFA Fine Arts/Printmaking | 2014 Illustration Minor Print Expert/Press Operator, Artistry Engraving & Embossing Co., Inc Chicago, Illinois “MIAD introduced me to a complex world of creatives; I was qui …

Alumni Profile: Georgia Lloyd ’11

David Century Plants. Digital. Georgia Lloyd BFA Fine Arts/Photography | 2011 Art History Minor Fine Art Photographer Owner and Lead Photographer, Twin Lens Weddings Austin, Texas “During my four years at MIAD, I learned to see differently – how to develop my vision, and ensure my photos reflect my intent.  The …

Alumni Profile: Ariana Vaeth ’17

Ariana Vaeth BFA Fine Arts/Integrated Studio Arts | 2017 Art History Minor Studio Artist Milwaukee, Wisconsin “Through MIAD, I gained a stron …

Alumni Profile: Erica Lyn Huppe ’06

Erica Lyn Huppe The Art of Information: Scientific Illustration. • attended Madison East High School, Madison, WI • graduated 2006 BFA Illustration • currently works as a Scientific Illustrator at the Burpee Museum of Natural History, Rockford, IL Erica Huppe “MIAD taught me many important things about dealing with professionals in my field …

Alumni Profile: Kimberly Swiderski-Murphy ’01

BFA Communication Design, 2001 | Senior Package Designer, Hallmark Cards Kimberly Swiderski-Murpy with her husband and MIAD alumn Matt “Those four years were the building blocks of my adult professional life, and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of faculty in a more inspirational setting…” Kimberly Swiderski-Murphy …

Alumni Profile: DeChazier Stokes-Johnson ’04

Communication Design, 2004 Director of Social Media, Nonbox, Hales Corners, Wisconsin A Sucker for Pumps | album cover, digital, 2011 DeChazier Stokes-Johnson DeChazier Stokes-Johnson is currently the Director of Social Media at Nonbox, an advertising agency located in Hales Corners, Wisconsin. While Stokes-Johnson works diligently at perfecting his …

Alumni Profile: Briana MacWilliam ’04

Reaching Out: Art as Therapy. • attended Milton High School, Milton, MA/ Riverside University High School, Milwaukee, WI • graduated 2004 BFA Illustration / 2006 MPS Pratt Institute • currently a Senior Rehabilitation Counselor at Lincoln Medical + Mental Health Center, South Bronx, NY Briana MacWilliam “At the end of four years, all the majors …

Alumni Profile: Rob Schrab ’92

Endless Ambition. graduated 1992, BFA Illustration currently writing, producing + directing television and feature films, as well his own short films. “I took everything I learned at MIAD and dumped it into one big thing.” Rob Schrab Few people have as broad a résumé as Rob Schrab; illustrator, comic book …

Alumni Profile: Jenny Kim ’02

Bringing Design to the World. attended high school in Canada | graduated 2002, BFA Illustration currently a graphic designer @ Rishi Tea Company “I don’t think I wanted to be something specific as a child, but I remember I always found myself doing art.” Jenny Kim Jenny Kim has come a long …

Alumni Profile: Margaux Butzen ’03

Designs that Move. • attended Divine Savior Holy Angels, Wauwatosa, WI • graduated 2003, BFA Industrial Design • currently works as a designer at JR286 Inc., a California based company that holds the global licensing for FILA accessories, Under Armour and Hustler clothing. Margaux Butzen “While growing up I knew I wanted to …

Alumni Profile: Jeremy Shamrowicz ’98

An Urban Innovator. graduated 1998, BFA double-major, Industrial Design + Sculpture, minored in Illustration currently President + Co-Owner of Flux Design Jeremy Shamrowicz “Everybody comes to MIAD for the same reason, they’ve got a passion for creativity. We’ve simply found a way to keep that experience alive.” “When I …

Alumni Profile: David Chu ’71

From College to Car Design and Back Again. • attended Instituto de Educacao Prof., “Alberto Conti,” San Paulo, Brazil • graduated 1971, BFA in Industrial Design from Layton School of Art, MIAD’s predecessor 1991, MFA in Design and Studio Arts from University of Illinois at Chicago • currently Professor of Advertising Graphic Design …