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Associated Bank presents MIAD Pre-College students

Building a community and gaining a new perspective on art: these were frequent refrains from high school students in the 2023 Summer Pre-College program at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD).

Presented by Associated Bank, MIAD’s Summer Pre-College program attracts high schoolers from all over the country—and even some international students. Attendees select classes in studio concepts ranging from beginner to advanced that cover topics from painting, screen printing and photography to graphic design, product design and fashion upcycling.

“My parents were excited for me to embark on a new adventure,” says Melaniya Zazovskaya, a student from Menomonie High School who received a scholarship from Associated Bank. “The scholarship was very helpful because my parents were worried about how I was going to manage being in Milwaukee.”

“Receiving a scholarship to attend MIAD Summer Pre-College was very helpful,” says Denise Beamon, who attends Milwaukee School of Languages. “Many people (including me) would not have been able to afford the tuition to attend the Pre-College. The scholarship had a huge impact on many individuals to help them learn and expand their opportunities throughout art.”

Lily Buendia, a freshman at Milwaukee’s Audubon High School, also appreciated the financial support from Associated Bank. “As someone whose family struggles financially, the scholarships helped me so much. Without them, I don’t even think I would have been able to attend the program, which widened my knowledge and love for art.”

All three students grew artistically and appreciated the close-knit community they built during the summer program. “It honestly changed my perspective on how I view art,” continues Buendia, who took the program’s Product Design class. “I was always scared to speak up, but when it came to talking about the art, it seemed so simple.”

Zazovskaya appreciated the lasting friendships she made during the program. “I liked how I even connected with people outside of the class I chose,” she says. “I enjoyed having trips even outside of doing art, such as going to the nearby beach, walking around Milwaukee and just having a great time.”

“Even if there’s a medium you’ve never worked with, the classes are very open to newcomers,” says Beamon. “I was very interested in photography but I had never touched a camera before. Luckily the photography class was very supportive and helpful, and I learned very quickly how to take better photos.”

MIAD’s Summer Pre-College program will take place in mid-July and will welcome over 250 high school students from around the country. Learn more about MIAD’s Youth + Community Programs!


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