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Associated Bank sponsors MIAD Pre-College students

For Kyla Chester-Hopkins and Matthew Goss, the summer 2022 Pre-College program at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) meant a new perspective on their artistic practices. Presented by Associated Bank, the MIAD Pre-College program is dedicated to developing high school students’ artistic skills and preparing them for college and a career in art and design.

A nationally recognized program, MIAD’s Pre-College classes take place on weekends and during the summer. Students select instruction in studio concepts ranging from beginner to advanced and covering topics from painting and screenprinting to graphic design and fashion upcycling. Matthew Goss, a Core Photography student in 2022 from Rufus King High School, said of the program, “I gained a greater appreciation for design and art as well as discovering and gaining insight into careers in the creative field.”

“I have gained an increased perspective on photo and film,” says Kyla Chester-Hopkins, who studied in the 2022 iteration of Advanced Photo & Film. Chester-Hopkins, a student from Pathways High in Milwaukee, continues “vulnerability plays a huge part in growing a person and artist.”

With generous support from Associated Bank, MIAD’s Pre-College program offers merit-based scholarships as well as scholarships through Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and many local foundations and private donors. The deadline to apply for a Pre-College scholarship for summer 2023 is Saturday, April 1.

Learn more about MIAD’s Pre-College program!

Presented by Associated Bank


MIAD professor founds nonprofit for Tourette support

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