I am a conceptual designer for video games, working with 2D and 3D softwares. I have worked at Lucasarts on an unreleased game call Star Wars First Assault. Now I am at Psyonix working on games such as Nosgoth and Rocket League.
After graduating MIAD with a painting major, I got a job at a small video production company where I wrote scripts, shot and edited videos, and created graphic elements and animations. Soon after, I landed a job as an editor and part time television producer with...
I captured a degree from MIAD at a time when the World Wide Web was just beginning. I currently speak at UI/UX events around the country and I am a creative/tech mentor in youth groups and regular blogger. With over 14 years of experience as an Interactive and...
Educated as an Industrial Designer to create elegant solutions that fulfill unmet needs, I can’t turn down the opportunity to tackle a problem. As a designer with an MBA in marketing, I enjoy developing strategic business plans or putting together a companies...
April graduated MIAD IN 2012, she was contracted to work with the Milwaukee journal sentinel during portfolio day. She mainly works in the digital design realm now, growing skills in the UIand UX specialties as the technology is ever evolving.
In her role in the Center for Careers, Life and Service, Dani is excited to support exploratory students as they begin their professional, personal, and civic journeys. Her goal is for all students to feel empowered to continually explore their values, strengths, and...
Christopher Willey is an interdisciplinary artist and instructor in Milwaukee, WI. His research on conceptual art practices moves between traditional and new genres and he conceptually focuses on innocence and disaster. He teaches all levels of undergrad and graduate...