Your Portfolio
Portfolio Requirements
Your portfolio should contain 12-20 examples of your best and most recent work. Select works that demonstrate the depth and breadth of your creative experiences, and that highlight your ideas and conceptual ability as well as your skills. Consider your portfolio a reflection of your identity as an artist or designer. Your portfolio may include works in a variety of mediums, including two-dimensional work, photography, three-dimensional work, design, architectural renderings, interactive media, websites, video and animation. It may also include text intensive works, book arts, furniture, marketing and advertising, and sketchbook or workbook pieces encompassing research and images.
Your portfolio should include samples of work completed from direct observation (rather than from imagination or copied from photographs).
How to Submit Your Portfolio
Upload your work online via MIAD’s online application. Portfolios must be uploaded before a merit scholarship decision can be made. All work becomes a permanent part of your application for admission.
How to Receive Feedback on Your Portfolio
Though not required, we strongly encourage you to show your portfolio in person by visiting MIAD. Admissions counselors are happy to provide feedback on your portfolio prior to submitting it online for admission and scholarship consideration. Weekday appointments can be scheduled by contacting the Office of Admissions at 888.749.MIAD or Virtual reviews are also available. Start by visiting our Meet with Us! page to find the counselor for your area and their scheduling link.
You may also show your portfolio for review at MIAD’s National Portfolio Day.
Can’t visit MIAD? Our representatives tour much of North America. Check to see if we’re visiting near you.
Developing Your Portfolio
Hear from MIAD Admissions on developing your portfolio.