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Transferring to MIAD


Your Community

This is about relationships and finding the ideal college to continue your educational career. The pursuit of a degree in the visual arts is one that requires endurance, dedication, and a creative vision of the future.

At MIAD, we are committed to educating artists and designers with a depth and breadth of knowledge both in artistic sensibilities and in life. At MIAD, we pride ourselves on developing relationships with our students, and transfer students contribute significantly to the diversity of our dynamic community. Our faculty seek students who understand that a sense of wholeness through knowledge, an interest in critical and scientific thought, and the adaptability for growth and change are important to a life of learning. We strive to build relationships that focus on these key elements of education, and transfer students often have extraordinary life and educational experiences that enhance those relationships. It is the experiences of our transfer students that contribute to the sustainability of the MIAD community.

Transfer students have unique needs; MIAD recognizes and meets those needs. It starts with the admissions process, is honed and focused throughout the curricular experience, and continues well beyond the commencement ceremony. We invite you to build a relationship with us.

Transfer Portfolio

The transfer portfolio should demonstrate knowledge of college-level course work. Your portfolio should include 20-30 pieces which represent basic skills in design, drawing, painting, color, and sculpture. If enough course work has been completed, the portfolio should also reflect experience in a major field of study.

The portfolio allows the transfer admissions counselor or faculty chair to evaluate which studio courses will transfer to MIAD and determines class standing. Therefore, your portfolio should include as much work as possible from all studio courses taken while attending other post-secondary institutions.

You may apply to transfer up to 48 studio credits. Transfer of studio courses is determined by the portfolio review. MIAD will only accept studio credits from courses which are compatible with our existing course offerings and for which you received a grade of ‘C’ or better.

Transfer Credit Policy

MIAD considers credits for transfer from accredited colleges, including community colleges, technical colleges and universities. Up to 48 studio credits and 36 liberal studies credits may be transferred to MIAD. All students must complete their last 30 credits at MIAD to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the college.

MIAD determines transfer credit eligibility and the level at which a student will enter the college on an individual basis depending upon the number of transferrable credits, level of visual competency demonstrated in the portfolio, and an applicant’s academic record. MIAD only considers credits from classes in which a grade of ‘C’ or better was awarded from a qualifying institution.

A list of commonly transferred courses and the corresponding MIAD course are provided here. This list is meant to provide a general understanding of courses that may transfer to MIAD to fulfill first-year curricular requirements.


MIAD Course # MIAD Liberal Studies Course Commonly Transferred Courses
WRTG120 Processes of Inquiry
Introduction to College Writing
English I
Writing Workshop
Written Communication
Expository Writing
English Composition I*
HUMT121 Intro to Humanities Introduction to Ethics
Introduction to Humanities
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Psychology
Psychology of Human Relations
General Psychology
ARTH151 Intro to the Practice of Art & Design History
Intro to Ancient to Medieval Art
History of Art I
Art Survey I**
Intro to Renaissance to Modern Art
History of Art II
Art Survey II**

*Transfer credit may be considered for courses listed as English Composition, if coursework is comparable to MIAD’s introductory writing courses.
**Transfer credit may be considered for courses listed as Art Survey, if coursework is time-period specific as relative to MIAD’s Art History course.



MIAD Course # MIAD FYE Course Commonly Transferred Courses
FYE100 Systems of Drawing Drawing I
Basic Drawing
Introduction to Drawing
Drawing Fundamentals
Observational Drawing
Design Drawing
Drawing for Design/Graphics
FYE110 Visual Language Basic Color and Design
Design Fundamentals
2 Dimensional Design
2 Dimensional Composition
Design I
Color Theory
Design II
Introduction to Painting
Color Media
Digital Color
FYE121 Research, Process and Connection
Introduction to Printmaking
Digital Photography
Introduction to Photography
Introduction to Computer Art
Figure Drawing
Introduction to Illustration
Introduction to Graphic Design
FYE130 Fabrication 3D Studies
3 Dimensional Design
Introduction to Sculpture
Principles of Sculpture
FYE150 Digital 2D
Introduction to Photoshop and/or Illustrator
Computer Art Studio
Digital Illustration
Digital Imaging
Digital Photography
Introduction to Graphic Design
FYE151 Digital 4D
Introduction to Animation
Web/Interactive Design
Multimedia Survey
Introduction to Video
Web Animation
Introduction to Multimedia Production
FYE199 Intro to Advanced Study Advanced Studio Courses
(may include many of the courses listed as transferable to Research, Process and Connection)

For more detailed information on transfer credit, or to discuss a specific course, please contact the Office of Admissions.


MIAD has articulation agreements with a number of community colleges. Under the terms of these agreements, students are guaranteed transfer credits toward their first two years at MIAD provided they meet the minimum requirements of the agreement and present a portfolio for review of skill level. MIAD maintains articulations with the following colleges:

  • College of DuPage: Glen Ellyn, IL
  • Gateway Technical College: Elkhorn, Racine and Kenosha, WI Campuses
  • Milwaukee Area Technical College: Milwaukee, WI (West Allis, Mequon and Oak Creek, WI Campuses)
  • Waukesha County Technical College: Pewaukee, WI

To obtain a copy of an articulation agreement, please click on the link for a specific community college and MIAD major.

For questions about articulation agreements or applying as an articulation student, please contact the Office of Admissions.


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MeetMIAD: An Introduction to Financial Aid at MIAD
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