MIAD’s Student Emergency Fund and other Services
What should I do if I or my family is having trouble paying my bill?
MIAD’s Student Accounts and Financial Aid offices are committed to working with our students and families to the best of our ability. For assistance with account balances, payment plans, and financial aid, please contact:
Student Accounts
Bonnie Murphy (414) 847-3303 bonniemurphy@miad.edu
Financial Aid
What happens to my scholarships or financial aid if I take a semester off or take a gap year?
Students considering taking a semester off or taking a gap year are encouraged to talk with their academic advisor and the Financial Aid Office before making that decision to understand the impact of the decision on progressing in your Program of Study and the implications on availability of federal financial aid, timeline for loan repayments and more.
How do students apply for emergency aid?
MIAD’s Student Emergency Fund is designed to provide immediate financial support to MIAD students who are experiencing financial hardship. Please contact Mónica Lloyd at monicalloyd@miad.edu to begin the process.
I hear that MIAD is receiving federal emergency funding. Does that go to students?
As a nonprofit college, MIAD must allocate all emergency funds received from the federal government toward its students, operations and programs in compliance with strict guidelines set by federal regulations.
Students are receiving emergency funds from the Department of Education based on current financial aid information and student eligibility to qualify for federal funding. You do not need to apply for these funds; you will receive an email from the Financial Aid Office if you qualify.
MIAD is supplementing the Department of Education emergency grant payments with its MIAD Student Emergency Fund. All students, regardless of federal eligibility, can apply for these emergency funds. Please contact Mónica Lloyd at monicalloyd@miad.edu to begin the process.
How can I get help with my courses?
We are here to support students. We are available via email and phone, and can also schedule Google hangout or video chats with students.
- Mónica Lloyd, Dean of Students (monicalloyd@miad.edu, 414-847-3240) and Holly Vanderbusch, Associate Dean of Students (hollyvanderbusch@miad.edu, 414-847-3349) are available for medical questions and concerns, counseling resources, time management, and other questions/concerns.
- Nichole Uecker, Student Accessibility Coordinator (nicholeuecker@miad.edu, 414-847-3347) is available for assistance with accommodations and other disability-related concerns.
Tips for Managing Online Classes
Create Your Workspace: Find a place to regularly do your work that is as free from distractions as possible. This will be the space to set up your laptop (to attend classes and to work on your homework). Avoid “social” or “rest” areas, like the kitchen table or your bed. Make sure you have good lighting and a place to store your “tools and supplies” for classes and homework nearby.
Schedule a Routine: Treat an online course like a “real” course.You are working here to establish a routine. Hold yourself accountable to the schedule you create.
Stay Connected with Your Instructor: While the instructor is not physically present, that relationship is still just as important in an online class. Actively participate in your class discussions and blogs.
Tutoring: Academic Success Center Online Writing Reviews
Academic Success Center Online Writing Reviews will provide feedback on content, organization, clarity and flow of ideas as well as reviewing for assignment requirements. Online Writing Review tutors will not correct grammar, though issues of concern may be included in their response to you. We make every effort to provide feedback on your paper within 24 hours.
To take advantage of Online Writing Reviews send an email to:miad-tutors_group@miad.edu. Attach your paper AND a copy of the assignment sheet so tutors can review assignment requirements. You can include a note if you would like the tutor to pay special attention to concerns you may have. Then hit SEND.
Once your paper has been reviewed, the tutor who reviewed it may SHARE the reviewed document back to you with a note via Google Drive. Watch for an email!
ASC Helpful Handouts are available for common writing concerns, including grammar, punctuation and MLA format/citation and time management strategies.
TOPCAT Library Research Databases are available online through OneLogin > TOPCAT Library
Catalogue. Watch the Library ePortfolio and RiverRat for additional help options from the Library and LRC.
Computer Program Tutorials are available through OneLogin > LinkedIn Learning.
Are disability services available?
Yes, disability support services are available. Email studentservices@miad.edu.
What is MIAD’s Wellness Team and how will they assist me?
The Wellness team are Mónica Lloyd, Dean of Students and Nichole Uecker, Student Accessibility Coordinator. They will assist you by guiding you through the process and answer questions you may have.
- Location of nearest testing sites in Milwaukee area
- Connect with Marquette University Medical Clinic
- Notify MIAD Housing Coordinator who will arrange quarantine and isolation for students living in MIAD housing.
- Request support from faculty for absences and extensions on assignments
- Virtual check-ins with students who are sick with Covid-19.
- Conduct contact tracing.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS)?
From the CDC website:
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
What is close contact?
For COVID-19, a close contact is anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes. An infected person can spread COVID-19 starting 48 hours (or 2 days) before the person had any symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19.
Things to remember:
- Incidental exposure such as walking by someone in the hallway, using the same equipment or the same area/room is not close contact.
- You are still considered a close contact even if you were wearing a mask while you were around someone with COVID-19. Masks are meant to protect other people in case you are infected, and not to protect you from becoming infected.
If I don’t feel well, what do I do?
- Let support staff know by emailing the response team at covidstudentsupport@miad.edu.
- Call either your family physician or the Marquette University Medical Clinic DO NOT GO TO THE DOCTOR/CLINIC WITHOUT FIRST CALLING:Marquette University Clinic has provided the following message: Marquette Medical Clinic is currently open, but is requiring students to call the clinic to speak with a healthcare provider. Have your MIAD ID card/number ready and explain to the MU healthcare provider your symptoms. MU will either schedule an appointment with you, or prescribe home care. Please do not go to the clinic without first calling as the clinic doors are locked.
- Contact your faculty via email to inform them of your illness.
- Stay at home until your fever subsides for 24 hours. If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 but you do not have symptoms, you must self-quarantine for 14 days and take your temperature twice a day.
If your symptoms escalate, particularly difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.
How can I tell the difference between COVID-19 and the flu?
You cannot. If you show symptoms of the flu, seek medical care early in compliance with the directives above from the Marquette University Clinic or your family physician. This fall we are strongly encouraging students to get the flu vaccine; the vaccine is free for all students and will be available in early fall.
What does it mean to self-quarantine?
Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health.
What does it mean to self-isolate?
Isolation is used to separate people infected with COVID-19, from people who are not infected. People who are in isolation should stay home until it’s safe for them to be around others. In the home, anyone sick or infected should separate themselves from others by staying in a specific “sick room” or area and using a separate bathroom (if available).
Where can I get tested?
MIAD has at-home rapid tests available upon request. MIAD is also providing transportation for students from MIAD to a COVID-19 testing site twice a week. Students must schedule a ride in advance due to limited seating. More information is sent to students’ emails. Contact covidstudentsupport@miad.edu for more information.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Impact have listings of testing sites.
What is contact tracing?
Contact tracing has been used for decades by state and local health departments to slow or stop the spread of infectious diseases. Contact tracing slows the spread of COVID-19 by
- Letting people know they may have been exposed to COVID-19 and should monitor their health for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
- Helping people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 get tested.
- Asking people to self-isolate if they have COVID-19 or self-quarantine if they are a close contact of someone with COVID-19
- MIAD’s Wellness Team will ask who you have been around, and ask where you have spent time while you may have been able to spread COVID-19 to others.
- Your name will not be shared with those you came in contact with. However, there are ways that individuals can piece information together and make assumptions. We will not confirm or deny your health status and try to help you maintain the greatest amount of privacy as possible.
Marquette University Counseling Center And Medical Clinic
Marquette University Counseling Center
MU Counseling Center is providing mental health services by telephone. The phone number is 414-288-7172. Please do not go to the Counseling Center.
MIAD students interested in starting counseling: Please call the MU Center at 413-288-7172 to speak with a clinician. They will assist you in getting your treatment needs met in the location where you are residing while you are completing academic responsibilities on line.
MIAD students who have scheduled counseling appointments: You will be contacted by telephone and assessed for mental health needs. Treatment options may include periodic check-ins with your counselor, or referral to a provider on the outside. Typical psychotherapy will not be offered over the telephone.
On-Call Counselors: Are available for students who have safety risks. Students must call the counseling center and ask to speak with the on-call counselor.
Groups: Group counseling sessions have been suspended.
Marquette University Medical Clinic
MU Medical Clinic is currently open, but is requiring students call the clinic to speak with a health care provider. (414-288-7184) Explain to the MU health care provider your symptoms. MU will either schedule an appointment with the student, or prescribe home care. Please do not go to the clinic without first calling as the clinic doors are locked.