
MIAD offers minors to enrich your knowledge and customize your academic journey. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your professional preparation or satisfy your curiosity between areas of study, MIAD minors bring a wholeness to your educational experience. A minor can position you to work across the college and the community, providing you exposure to outstanding facilities while sharing your passion with students from other majors.
Studio Minors
MIAD Majors
Students may elect to earn a minor in one of the following fine art or design studio disciplines offered at MIAD: Communication Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Interior Architecture and Design, Product Design or New Studio Practice. A total of 15 credits are required to complete the minor. Students majoring in Communication Design, Interior Architecture and Design, and Product Design need to complete additional credits to satisfy the requirements of the minor beyond MIAD’s 120 credit bachelor of fine arts degree.
Arts Management Minor
The Arts Management Minor prepares students to lead and manage arts organizations and events. Courses allows students to explore the theory, practice, knowledge and culture necessary to managing individual practices, community arts organizations, traditional and experimental art spaces, museums, galleries, and non-profit groups. Art Managers are needed at: museums, galleries, performing arts centers, festivals, theater / dance companies, arts advocacy organizations, musical organizations, public radio & television, event promoters, economic development organizations, film companies, booking agencies, arts councils. The Arts Management Minor is a 15 credit program, open to students from any major. Core classes include:
- Introduction to Arts Management
- Service Learning
- Internship in Arts Management
- Arts Management Capstone
Other courses include:
- Accounting and Finance
- Public Relations Principles
- Public Relations Writing
- Introduction to Small Group Communications
- Understanding Entrepreneurship (Profit & Non-Profit)
Book Arts
The minor in book art offers students a wide-ranging set of experiences within the broad definitions of a book. In an introductory class, students will explore a variety of binding and folding techniques that incorporate interdisciplinary processes and utilize a variety of media. Then the student can use a variety of required and/or elective courses to complete a focused minor in book art that fits their interests and skills. Students who successfully complete the foundation book art course will:
- Learn traditional and non-traditional book bindings in order to influence future projects;
- Learn appropriate materials to use in book construction for archival and concept purposes;
- Explore the components of multi-page document creation, such as narrative, pacing, sequence, structure and form to have a successful reading of their book;
- Develop and hone skills in concept building and use bound structures to support their concept;
- Create books that use image and text in new and inventive ways;
- Explore typographic and compositional rules for book layout; and
- Learn to use materials and tools of book creation
Minor Course Information: COMPLETE 15 CREDITS Required course (3 credits) to complete the minor (must meet prerequisites). DS207: Introduction to Book Art Select four additional courses* (12 credits) to complete the minor (must meet prerequisites). Note that not all of these elective courses are offered every semester or every year. 1. POD & Digital bookmaking learn to use InDesign 2. Zine elective 3. Letterpress 4. Broadsides & Books 5. Creative Writing / Book Art 6. Using Special Collections 7. Altered Books 8. Book History and Theory 9. Small Quick Books (RPM) 10. PopUp Books (RPM) 11. Photography and Book Art 12. Sacred Texts/Contemporary Forms 13. The Mono-print and Collagraph as Page 14. Concept/Design Elective 15. Children’s Book Illustration 16. Independent Study *Some required coursework in NSP, CD, IL and LS may offer possible application for the Book Art Minor. Check with the 2D/4D Design Chair for options. Book Art Minor Advisor It is highly recommended that you meet with the 2D/4D Design Chair to discuss the goals that you have related to declaring a minor in Book Art.
Digital Media Production Minor
The Digital Media Production minor is perfect for a student with a passion for storytelling. The minor allows a student to explore the production process, from concept to completion in a variety of applications and media. Through one focused required class and then selecting four elective courses from a broad list, the student will build a set of experiences that match closely with their career goals and interests. Students who successfully complete the required Introduction to Digital Media minor will have:
- An engagement with the professional applications of digital media production and a strong understanding of how one might use these techniques to tell a compelling story.
- An understanding of professional practices and issues related to the real world employment market of filmmaking, animation, video games, sequential storytelling (comics/storyboarding etc.)
- The ability to be their own project leader and carry project ideas from concept to fruition.
- An ability to present concepts and self in a manner appropriate to a professional project and the refined ability to critique their own work and the work of others.
Minor Course Information: COMPLETE 15 CREDITS Required course (3 credits) to complete the minor (must meet prerequisites). DS207: Introduction to Digital Media Production Select four additional courses (12 credits) to complete the minor (must meet prerequisites). Please note that this is not a complete list and other coursework may count toward the minor. 1. Kinetic Typography 2. Introduction to Concept Art 3. Introduction to Stop Motion 4. Sequential Art (Comic Book/Storyboarding) 5. Art Direction 6. From Storytelling to Gaming 7. Independent Study 8. 3D Computer Animation 9. Introduction to Narrative Filmmaking 10. Introduction to Animation ** Some required coursework in NSP, CD, and IL may also offer possible application for the Digital Media Production Minor. Check with the 2D/4D Design Chair for options. Digital Media Production Minor Advisor It is highly recommended that you meet with the 2D/4D Design Chair to discuss the goals that you have related to declaring a minor in Digital Media Production.
Furniture Design Minor
This cross-disciplinary minor is ideal for students interested in designing and building well crafted, modern furniture. This minor allows the student to learn the core principles of woodworking, joinery, and fabrication, as well as more exploratory bending and forming techniques – molded plywood, bent lamination, steam bending, and vacuum-formed plastic. Students embrace all phases of the design-build process from conception to completion – and the structure is equal parts design (sketching, drawing, modeling, physical studies, and material exploration) and build (millwork, joinery, sanding, assembly, and finishing). Design and manufacturing companies in southeastern Wisconsin provide a rare opportunity to work locally with manufacturing resources from traditional lost wax casting to emerging manufacturing technologies such as laser cutting, multi-axis CNC, and rapid prototyping.
Design by Jessica Ziarkowski
Minor Course Information: COMPLETE 15 CREDITS 3cr F121: Intro to Furniture Making – Designing with Wood 3cr DS226: IAD Theory/Practice Joinery & Fabrication for IAD majors, or DS240: Materials & Methods I for ID majors, or NSP206: Wood for NSP majors 3cr DS227: IAD Theory/Practice: Furniture Design-‐Build I 3cr DS326: IAD Theory/Practice: Adv. Fabrication 3cr DS327: IAD Theory/Practice: Furniture Design-‐Build II (Substitute for DS341 for ID majors)
MIAD’s expansive 3D and Sculpture lab
Critical Studies Minors
Art History Minor
The Art History minor is particularly valuable for students considering graduate study, curatorial work, or as part of professional training in design areas that stress verbal as well as visual skills. A total of 15 credits within the Critical Studies division at MIAD are required to complete the minor. Students who minor in Art History fulfill their requirements through a variety of art history electives and discipline-specific courses.
ARTH212 – History of Art Since 1850 / ARTH213 – History of Modernism: Design
3 Credits
ARTH318 – Art History Elective ARTH212/213* – History of Modernism
12 Credits
*a non-required section of Modernism may be taken as elective requirement. Example: Design Majors may take Modernism: Fine Art as an elective towards their minor.
Humanities Minor
The Humanities minor is particularly valuable for students who wish to pursue a broad-based humanist inquiry to compliment their studio experience. The minor is also valuable for studentes interested in graduate study, curatorial work, or as part of professional training in areas that stress an understanding of culture, society and foundations of the human condition. A total of 15 credits within the Critical Studies division at MIAD are required to complete the minor. Students who minor in Humanities fulfill their requirements through a variety of humanities electives and discipline-specific courses.
HUMT340 – Humanities Elective OR equivalent upper-level humanities elective* | 15 Credits** |
*A student may petition to apply 3 credits of HUMT380 based on demonstrated topical focus of the minor with approval of the Minor Advisor and Department Chair. **Students that wish to declare Humanities and Psychology minor will need to complete an additional 6cr.
Natural Sciences Minor
Students may also elect to earn a minor in Natural Sciences. The Natural Sciences minor best fits students interested in learning more about nature, or who seek a career path where Natural Sciences and visual studies merge. Students may take electives in topic-based courses, seminars, or field experience. Final coursework in this minor is fufilled through an independent study coordinated with a science faculty member. A total of 15 credits in the sciences in the Critical Studies division at MIAD are required to complete the minor.
NASC220 – Patterns in Nature
3 credits |
NASC320 – Natural Science Elective | 6 credits |
NASC350 – Natural Science Elective | 6 credits |
NASC321 – Field Experience | 6 credits |
Science Independent Study | 3 credits |
*If a student bypasses NASC220, an extra 3 credits in NASC320/350/321 will be required to fulfill a minor. **Final 3 credits must be an Independent Study with a science faculty instructor.
Sustainability Minor
The definition of “sustainability” is the study of how natural systems function, remain diverse and produce everything needed for the ecology to remain in balance. Our world is in critical need of brilliant communicators who can explain science, of creative practitioners that live and breathe sustainability principles, and who influence others by the meaning and power of the ideas conveyed in their work. We also need citizens with a sound grounding in critical thinking, basic environmental science, and the query framework that forms the scientific method and an approach to making sense of the worldʼs critical environmental concerns.
Regardless of a student’s major – a sustainability minor can focus their work on areas of a sustainable practice, through use of sustainable materials, research into environmentally friendly building codes or studio work that informs and conveys these concerns.

Kristina Rasmussen | Design for the Milwaukee Environmental Education Center
Minor Course Information
- NASC320: Ecology (3 credits) – fulfills the science elective required for BFA
- HUMN380: Service Learning (3 credits) – mandatory for BFA
- Capstone Independent Study (3 credits)
The remaining credits could be chosen from a list of courses (below) for the total 15 credits required.
- RPC with Green Component
- NASC350 Environmental Literacy and/or Peripatetic Biology
- NASC320: Botany, and/or River Ecology
- Humanities Electives with Green Component
- IAD Green Studio
- Design Courses with Green Component
- Industrial Design: DaVinci II Biomimicry
- ARTH318: Design, Creativity, and Conscience
- MRQT: Earth and Environmental Physics (one example from current offerings)
- NSP: Public Art Courses / Organic Dyes / Papermaking
- Thesis with Green Orientation
Sustainability Minor Advisors
The Director of Service Learning (Leslie Fedorchuk) oversees the completion of the minor courses in conjunction with the Chair and appropriate faculty. It is highly recommended that you meet with a faculty member to discuss your goals and to plan your course choices. The following faculty members are available for these discussions:
Leslie Fedorchuk
Maurizio Murru
Writing Minor
The Writing minor is particularly valuable for students considering graduate study, curatorial work, or as part of professional training in design areas that stress verbal as well as visual skills. A total of 15 credits within the Critical Studies division at MIAD are required to complete the minor. Students who minor in Writing fulfill their requirements through advanced-level writing courses, internships, independent study, and elective writing courses.
WRTG300 – The Creative Professional in Context
3 Credits
WRTG400 – Writing Seminar
3 Credits
WRTG340 – Writing Elective
9 Credits
Marquette University Cross-Registration Minors
Advertising Minor
MIAD offers an Advertising minor in conjunction with nearby Marquette University. This minor is primarily targeted to students in MIAD’s Communication Design program to augment their degree. The main focus is on advertising and best serves students whose goal is to work in an advertising agency. A total of 15 credits are required to complete the minor.
Required: ADVE 1400 – Advertising Principles ADVE 3000 – Advertising Research and Account Planning
6 Credits
Business Electives: ENTP 3001 – Understanding Entrepreneurship LEOR 1500 – Intro to Entrepreneurship
3 Credits
Advertising Electives: ENTP 3001 – Understanding Entrepreneurship LEOR 1500 – Intro to Entrepreneurship ADVE 3400 – Advertisitng Copywriting ADVE 4100 – Advertising Media Planning ADPR 4300 – Advertising, Public Relations and the Internet ADVE 4500 – Advertising and Public Releations Account Mgmt. ADPR 4600 – Multiculteral and International Advertising and Public Relations ADVE 4953 – Seminar in Advertising and Public Relations
9 Credits
Business Minor
MIAD offers a Business minor in conjunction with nearby Marquette University. MIAD students electing to minor in business have a unique opportunity to explore a variety of business theory and practice areas. This minor is equally useful to designers or fine artists who intend to begin their own business or work in an established organization. A total of 15 credits are required to complete the minor.
Prerequisite for Accounting Electives: MATH 1100 – College Algebra OR PRST 1140 – Foundations of Applied Math
not towards minor
Required: LEOR 1500 – Intro to Entrepreneurship LEOR 2050 – Leading Teams & Groups
6 Credits
Accounting Electives: LEOR 2210 – Accounting Principles & Applications BUAD 2100 – Accounting & Finance Fundamentals
3 Credits
Business Electives: LEOR 2220 – Economic Theory and Practice LEOR 2280 – Marketing Conccepts and E-commerce LEOR 3320 – Organizational Processes
6 Credits
Copywriting Minor
MIAD offers a Copywriting minor in conjunction with nearby Marquette University. Copywriting Minor blends a rigorous study of brand strategy with creative practice. Students learn to write across all media and create a portfolio showcasing their copywriting talents. This is a great minor for Communication Design students who wish to strengthen their portfolios. It is also an excellent choice for students who want to hone their creative writing skills inspired by brands.
Required: ADVE 1400 – Advertising Principles ADVE 3400 – Advertisitng Copywriting ADVE 4400 – Advanced Advertising Copywriting
9 Credits
Copywriting Electives: DGMD 2335 – Intro to Scriptwriting ENGL 3210 – Writing Practices & Processes ENGL 3220 – Writing for Workplaces ENGL 4250 – Creative Writing: Fiction JOUR 4953 – Seminar in Journalism
6 Credits
Games and Interactive Media Minor
MIAD offers a Games and Interactive Media minor in conjunction with nearby Marquette University. The Games and Interactive Media minor prepares students to work in a variety of employment positions and industries that utilize real-time virtual production. Alongside the software, hardware and media equipment knowledge, students also study media history, the media industry, and the social and cultural implications of video games and real-time virtual production technology. Ultimately, the minor offers students the ability to learn about a technology that is rapidly expanding into many different industries. Learn more.
Psychology Minor
MIAD offers a Psychology minor in conjunction with nearby Marquette University. Psychology Minor is designed to help students gain a better understanding of psychology, which is the science of behavior, emotions, and mental processes. Coursework will also introduce students to possibilities in the practice of art therapy, though an advanced degree is generally required.
Required: PSYC 1001 – General Psychology
3 Credits
Psychology Electives: PSYC 3101 – Developmental Psychology: Conception to Adolescence PSYC 3120 – Developmental Psychology: Adulthood and Aging PSYC 3201 – Introductory Social Psychology PSYC 3210 – The Psychology of Prejudice PSYC 3220 – Human Sexuality PSYC 3230 – Business and Organizational Psychology PSYC 3401 – Abnormal Psychology PSYC 3501 – Theories of Personality PSYC 3560 – Psychology of Religion
12 Credits*
*Students that wish to declare both a Humanities and Psychology Minor will need to complete an additional 6cr.
You can find more information by downloading the MIAD Minor Requirements and Declaration Form.
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Tatiana Osburn: Senior Exhibition 2025
Tatiana Osburn ’25 (Fine Art + New Studio Practice), “Solace In My Pews Of Devotion.” Tatiana is from Milwaukee, Wis.
Lauren Blood: Senior Exhibition 2025
Lauren Blood ’25 (Communication Design; Business minor through Marquette), “Raða.” Lauren was a Finalist at the recent 2025 United Adworkers Showcase Awards and is from Kansas City, Kansas.
Megan Ramirez: Senior Exhibition 2025
Megan Ramirez ’25 (Interior Architecture and Design), “The Sentinel Apartments.” Megan is a President’s (Honor) List student from Milwaukee, Wis.
International students drawn to MIAD’s creativity and community
International students Eeshaan Dutt ’26 and Chelsea Mody ’25 share more than both being from India; they came to MIAD based on the creativity and welcoming community they found at the college.
MIAD seniors receive 2025 Alumni Senior Thesis Awards
Thanks to the generosity of alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the college, the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) will award $7,085 to 44 seniors to directly support the fabrication and installation of their senior exhibition capstone projects.