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Illustration major designs poster for Milwaukee Art Museum

A fun, colorful illustration of people sitting and walking outside of the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Icarus Krause, Milwaukee Art Museum poster, 2024.

Summertime in Milwaukee is an experience like no other—and just what recent graduate Icarus Krause ’24 (Illustration) was commissioned to recreate for the Milwaukee Art Museum. The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD) graduate worked through the MIAD Lubar Innovation Center to design a poster for the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Krause, whose illustrations combine comics, color and texture, created a poster for the Milwaukee Art Museum’s summer campaign. The museum sought a poster that “encapsulated summer in Milwaukee and featured the Quadracci Pavilion,” explains Krause. “The design had to be flexible, able to [be used] in various contexts or spaces, both digital and physical.”

Coordinated by the Lubar Innovation Center, Krause spent a week meeting with museum staff to ensure the illustration met the needs of the museum. “We landed on something with striking summery colors, contrasted black lines, with a very fun and lively crowd,” they continue. “A couple of final tweaks later and I am so proud of how it turned out!”

The Lubar Innovation Center connects MIAD students with real-world clients to work on paid projects. “I’ve worked with the Innovation Center a few times now and it has consistently been a phenomenal experience,” says Krause. “[Innovation Center staff] are supportive and have always had my back both as a student and a professional. The Innovation Center … has always been a welcoming and amazing space to get feedback, critique and advice. They gave an indescribable amount of value to my MIAD experience.”

Keep up with Krause on their website and Instagram, and learn more about MIAD’s Lubar Innovation Center!


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