Designs that Move.
- attended Divine Savior Holy Angels, Wauwatosa, WI
- graduated 2003, BFA Industrial Design
- currently works as a designer at JR286 Inc., a California based company that holds the global licensing for FILA accessories, Under Armour and Hustler clothing.

Margaux Butzen
“While growing up I knew I wanted to work for an athletic company designing shoes and women’s accessories, and at the time my dream job was to work for NIKE.”
Not a far stretch from NIKE, Margaux Butzen spends her days designing apparel and accessories for some of the world’s largest and most successful clothing and athletic companies, such as FILA and Under Armour. Eventually hoping to create her own apparel accessory line, Butzen is happy with the foundation of skills she learned in the Industrial Design program at MIAD. She says, “I now know that I learned more about my field and career in school than I ever realized.” And that career, like the designs she creates, is on the move.