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Waldek DynermanFine Arts Professor Waldek Dynerman and Paul Druecke ’87 were awarded this year’s prestigious Mary L. Nohl Fellowship in the established artist category.

Dynerman, Druecke and a third recipient were selected from 136 applicants. The fellowship program provides unrestricted funds to create new work or complete work in progress, in addition to a financial award. They join many MIAD professors and alumni who have been recipients of this award.

Dynerman relocated to Milwaukee from his native Poland in 1983 to teach at MIAD. He is a professor in Printmaking and Drawing, and formally educated in painting. Much of his art incorporates found objects and spans a variety of disciplines. In addition, the Holocaust is an important yet indirect theme in his work.

Dynerman has shown in solo and group exhibitions throughout the United States in Milwaukee, Chicago, Annapolis, New York and St. Louis, and internationally in Bulgaria, France, Germany, Poland and Switzerland. He recently exhibited a series of lithographs at Peltz Gallery in Milwaukee and will exhibit work this January in Augusta, Georgia.

Paul DrueckeDruecke has shown internationally in Canada, England, France and Germany, and across the United States in Milwaukee, Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland, Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Memphis, Miami and Portland, OR.

His latest exhibition “Paul Druecke’s Cleveland” was the culmination of an eight-week residency as part of the SPACES World Artist Program. He recently discussed his art and background in a Journal Sentinel interview that can be seen here.

Each year the program is open to practicing artists residing in the four-county area (Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington counties), and fellows are chosen by a panel of judges from outside the region. Dynerman and Druecke’s year-long Nohl Fellowships will culminate in a fall 2011 exhibition.