MIAD is well-represented in the Wisconsin Triennial 2016 show at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art.
Shana McCaw and Brent Budsberg’s “A Tenuous Framework”
Faculty work from Nicholas Frank, Katy Cowan, and duo Shana McCaw and Brent Budsberg is on view through January 8, 2017.
More than 600 artists applied, with only 34 individuals and three pairs accepted into the show. Their work all connects to Triennial themes such as consequences of environmental destruction, and the staging and representation of social and cultural identity.
The exhibition features Cowan’s paintings, as well as an installation by Frank at MMoCA’s rooftop sculpture garden.
The focal point of McCaw and Budsberg’s piece, “A Tenuous Framework,” is a 2/5 scale model of an abandoned farmhouse frame that survived two years of weathering elements and a prairie burn near Ripon College.
McCaw said, “The theme shifted from one of futility and destruction to one of resilience and survival in the face of adversity.”
“We are honored to be included in the Wisconsin Triennial and we are especially pleased that our work was given such a prominent location in the main gallery.”
For more info on the Wisconsin Triennial, click here.
Image: Shana McCaw and Brent Budsberg’s “A Tenuous Framework” in Ripon, WI, 2016. Photo by: Rafael Salas