Adam Carter
Adam Carter ’16 (Industrial Design) received the 2016 Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) Merit Award, and represented MIAD at the IDSA 2016 Midwest District Design Conference at the University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign, April 22 – 23.
Vehicle Abstraction
Carter was chosen by a panel of IDSA Midwest members representing companies such as General Motors, Milwaukee Tool and Brooks Stevens Incorporated, “We were rated on everything from the quality of sketches and graphic layout, to presentation quality and story structure,” said Carter.
Carter credits MIAD’s ID program with teaching students to make thoughtful and empathetic design choices.

“The conscientious and sincere philosophy of MIAD’s design education allows designers to create solutions that solve problems on multiple fronts and bring real value to companies,” added Carter.
Rift-4 gear design
These skills have led Carter to receive a variety of job opportunities upon graduation from a variety of well-respected national brands.
“Good, honest designers with a strong sense of humility and respect seem to be what the program at MIAD is best at producing, and it’s what helps MIAD Industrial Design students to stand out in a crowd,” said Carter.
To learn more about MIAD’s Industrial Design program, click here.