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Beck in Texas

A drawing by part-time Foundations faculty Rosalie Beck was accepted into the 41st Annua …

Juliet Jaeger awarded Best in Show

2006 MIAD alum Juliet Jaeger (printmaking major; drawing minor) had three pieces from her senior thesis exhibition not only accepted to the juried 31st Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition but also awarded Best in Show. The exhibition is held at Bradley University in Peoria from March 9 – April 13 …

Egg in the Hole

ID sophomores successfully avoid ‘egg on their face’ Sophomore industrial design major Charles Quehl readies his cable car to scoop up an egg and head toward the target during the “Egg in the Hole” challenge held March 2. This year’s egg assignment — unique among art and design colleges — required designing …

Art of Medicine

MIAD partners with Medical College in the Art of Medicine As part of the new Art of Medicine Through the Humanities program at the Medical College of Wisconsin, fourth-year MCW students joined MIAD Professor Will Pergl’s figure sculpture class for a “Body in Sculpture” session on February 22. The …