Following their yearly roundup of graphic design students to watch, Graphic Design USA (GDUSA) published a list of top design schools, with MIAD making the final cut.
“We are extremely grateful for this recognition from GDUSA. Our program’s reputation is built from the great work our graduates are doing and we are very proud of the impact our students and graduates are having in the design world,” said Dale Shidler, Chair of 2D/4D Design.
The institutions represented are compiled from GDUSA research and other surveys of designers and educators.
“We’ve embedded professional experiences with class projects and internships throughout our curriculum, this has allowed our students to create excellent portfolios and strong communication skills that assist them as they find professional careers,” said Shidler.
View the full list of top graphic design schools here.
Image: Manuja Waldia’s ’14 (Communication Design) Shakespeare cover redesign